Chapter 33: The Horde

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Shang stood in awe. Shouldn't fire kill the Night King with the explosions he made?

But he suddenly remembered that he has the Obsidian Blade. He stared at it and looked at the audience, where Arya Stark stood and made him remember the Obsidian Blade.

Arya was right after all. The only way to kill the Night King is with the blade she gave to him.

Shang prepares the Obsidian Blade to fight off The Night King again. But, in a matter of seconds, The Night King raises his arms as Shang already knew where this was going.

A horde of Nightwalkers appeared again from afar, walking towards Shang who are moving slowly. Shang backed off for a moment, he couldn't handle these many Nightwalkers on his own.

The rockets he used are now gone. And he used his last one against The Night King, himself.

With no choice, he grabbed his bow and gets three arrows from his back and aims it towards the sky.

With a deep breath, he launches those arrows from the sky. But to his surprise, three arrows have turned into thousands of arrows, piercing most Nightwalkers who are about to charge at Shang.

Shang made and idea now.

He ran away for a moment and hid from an ice barrier where he gets another arrow. He ignites the two stone together as the flame is now ignited in the arrow.

Shang grabbed two arrows and burns the blades together and aims another shot at the sky. He shoots again and rain of arrows pierced most Nightwalkers which caused them to burn in their places.

Shang knew that The Night King is the only one immune to fire, so he plans a way for him to strategize his skills.

The Night King stood and stared at his opponent who is hiding behind the barrier preparing his bow and arrow.

He aimed his ice spear at the barrier and throws it like a javelin thrower, where Shang was hidden. Shang saw the spear and dives to the other side to avoid being crushed by the ice.

"How come he come near the ice dude?!" Yao groans.

"The general is smarter than that, Yao. You should remember what he taught us during our time as soldiers." Chien Po reminded.

"Do you think Shang has a chance?" Ling asks in worry.

"He must keep a distant for a moment." Mulan said who is now behind them with Jon Snow.

"Mulan! Good to see you!" Ling greets before looking at Jon Snow.

"Forgive me for the intrusion. I'm Jon Snow."

"I'm Ling!"

"And I am Chien Po."


"Your general needs to keep an eye on him. Ordinary weapons won't do much. Even the dragons couldn't kill him." Jon Snow explains making the soldiers worried.

"The obsidian blade is the only way for The Night King to get killed."

"That's right, Mulan. Only the Obsidian Blade would kill The Night King, himself." Jon Snow agrees.

The Night King stared at Shang who avoided his ice spear and walks towards him. Creating another ice spear.

Shang is able to stand back from his feet and swing his sword around The Night King who avoids by leaning back from his sword and swinging his spear at Shang's leg.

Shang grunts as his leg was sliced, luckily, not amputated, and grabbed The Night King's spear as Shang axe kicked his spear, breaking it in half.

Hades, Zamasu, and the Fates stare at the ongoing fight as Hades is satisfied that they are two points ahead of the humans.

"Well, what can I say, Zamasu? We are on the lead again." Hades says.

"It's still horrible that the dead's souls will never exist again." Lachezis groans.

"Well, no strings of them are here. So what's the point?" Atropos agrees.

"The bright side is, humans will doom to exist. So? More souls? I believe?" Clotho asked.

"I believe that isn't the case here." Another voice has appeared, walking from the shadows. We see a normal man wearing black clothes and spiky hair with a sinister grin in his face.

"Great. Another one of those spiky hair dudes are here." Hades said.

"Aren't you supposed to be Son Goku?" Pain asks, appearing from behind?

"Yeah! What is Goku doing here?" Panic asked as well.

"Calm down, both of you. People call me Goku Black. But to let you know, I am also Zamasu." Goku Black said making Hades confused.

"Wait. There are two Zamasus?"

"I am also Zamasu, Hades. I came from a different timeline where I took Goku's body and killed his family. In my timeline, I killed Goku and replaced my body to him, so that the world would fear me. And anyone who stands in the way, I shall destroy." Goku Black explains.

"It's is a pleasure to see myself here." Zamasu said as Goku Black smirks as well.

"Fates... once the gods wins this tournament, we shall wipe out every single human living in this wicked world. And I sadly have to say that none of them would be alive once their existence has been vanished." Goku Black explains.

"Three more wins, this is the end of mankind."

Shang used his cape to stun Night King's vision, as he does so, Shang did a backhand at the Night King's face and jabbed him in the stomach as he was pushed away from the impact.

The Night King understood what Shang has been doing.

He raised his hand and placed it in the ground as it slowly shakes. Cracks from the ice has been formed, Shang manages to jump back to another land, avoiding the pit so he won't fall.

Shang's eyes widened as the shaking starts getting stronger, emerging from the pits, a dragon has appeared in the arena as the audience are in awe with what is happening.

The gods cheered as they believe it is a big advantage for The Night King, but the humans were worried with what will be their fate.

Shang realizes that this is gonna be one of his toughest battles he has ever faced in his life. But his honor still stood in his heart.

His horse has arrived at the arena again for another epic showdown between Shang and The Night King.

The people of China starts to bang their drums as loudly as they could as the soldiers cheered for Shang.

"For your honor!"

"Show that Night King your determination!"

Shang looks at the audience as he stared at Mulan, who looks worried. But Shang didn't get bothered by her.

"Night King!" Shang called him from the dragon he is now riding.

"I'll make a man out of you!" He yelled pointing his sword at him.

He stared at Shang and has understood his determination. He commands his dragon now to attack Shang and his horse as the battle rages on.

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