Chapter 30: Stolen

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"Then let's finish this!!!" Kai yells before spinning his blades and prepares a fighting stance.

Heihachi and Kai dashed against each other, as both used an uppercut, as it clashed, Kai suddenly spins his blade and tossed it at Heihachi, but Heihachi caught the chains, pulled Kai quickly and swiped his foot, hitting Kai's face in an instant.

Kai backed away from the moment, but he spins his blade and tied Heihachi in it's place. Spinning Heihachi around, he tossed him near a boulder as it crashed in an instant.

The smoke clears, and Heihachi is standing still in his place, but Kai tossed his blade again, forming a scratch on the floor which made lava erupted.

Kai galloped quickly, leaps towards Heihachi and kicks. Heihachi saw the attack coming and blocks the kick with his arm and as both fighters gave each other flurry of punches.

Kai attacks, while Heihachi parries each strike. Kai managed to backhand Heihachi, as Heihachi managed to jab Kai in the stomach, making both fighters back away.

Both aims a kick against each other, hitting a boulder that was about to land in front of them, making lava splash around the area. The spirit warrior and the Mishima elder lands a punch, but Kai's punch landed first at his opponent's face, luckily for Kai to evade the attack.

Heihachi was sent flying away from the spirit warrior, but manage to land on his feet. From a distant, Kai did another flying kick against Heihachi, which forced him to block with both arms.

Heihachi attempts to jab at Kai, but the spirit warrior did a two hook and a back kick against him. He was about to land a jab at his face, but Heihachi caught it easily, smirking at his opponent.

Heihachi raised his leg and leaned back, headbutting Kai as he was sent flying. Kai crashes on another boulder as Heihachi walks towards the furious Kai.

Kai jumps towards Heihachi and headbutts him with enough force to push him back.

"Is that it?!" Heihachi asks, as Kai aims another punch, green aura emerges from the punch as Heihachi was pushed away.

"Not yet!" He yelled as he stood up.

Heihachi charged up his blue aura and yells, as his clothing was ripped off in half.

"I see... this is the chi I am looking for." Kai said in amusement. Spinning both his blades, Kai tossed them both like a whip, but Heihachi grabs one of them and rips the blade towards the chain. Heihachi tossed one of Kai's blade away and charges.

He spins around and aims a backhand at Kai, forcing him to back away. Kai got furious and aims a jab at Heihachi, pushing him away with enough force to back away from Kai, but not far enough.

"This is what I was waiting for!" Heihachi said in an excited tone.

"It took me 500 years to take every master's chi. I will also have yours, even if it takes me 500 more!" Kai yells as he leaps and aims for another punch.

Kai's punch landed, but Heihachi uppercuts Kai's fist and strikes with both hands. Kai used his blade and swipes it against Heihachi. With a couple of strikes, Heihachi palms the handle, leaps and kicks Kai with enough force to break the chain that is attached to his blade.

Kai, took this opportunity to grab Heihachi with his hand and slam him against the floor. He drags around Heihachi and tosses him in the air. As Heihachi lands down, Kai punches hit torso several times before landing a kick.

Heihachi lands on the floor, facing the ground as Kai realized he isn't moving. Kai, panted for a few times and walks towards his opponent to steal his chi.

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