Business - Minwon 🖤/🤍

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In the bustling city of Seoul, lived two young men named Wonwoo and Mingyu. Wonwoo, with his sharp features and piercing gaze, was a quiet and reserved individual. Mingyu, on the other hand, was lively and outgoing, always wearing a radiant smile that could brighten up anyone's day.

They met during their university days, and quickly became the best of friends. They were inseparable, sharing their dreams, fears, and secrets with each other. As time passed, their bond deepened, and they realized they were in love.

Wonwoo was the first to confess his feelings. Under the soft glow of the setting sun, he said, "Mingyu, I think I'm in love with you." Mingyu, with a smile that reached his eyes, replied, "I've been waiting to hear that, Wonwoo."

Their love story was like a fairytale, filled with laughter, shared dreams, and a promise of forever. They were each other's solace in a world that didn't quite understand their love.

However, fate had a different plan. Mingyu received a job offer from a company in New York. It was a golden opportunity for him, a chance to fulfill his dreams. But it meant leaving Wonwoo behind.

Wonwoo, who always put Mingyu's happiness before his own, encouraged him to accept the offer. Mingyu, torn between his love for Wonwoo and his dreams, eventually decided to leave, promising Wonwoo that they would find a way to make their relationship work.

As Mingyu moved to New York, the distance between them grew more than just physical. Their conversations became less frequent, the time difference and work commitments leaving little room for them to talk.

When Mingyu left for New York, Wonwoo was filled with a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was happy for Mingyu, knowing that this opportunity was a dream come true for him. He wanted nothing more than to see Mingyu succeed and fulfill his aspirations. But on the other hand, Wonwoo couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and longing.

As Mingyu boarded the plane, Wonwoo stood at the airport, watching him disappear into the crowd. It felt as if a part of him was leaving too. The realization that their daily interactions, shared moments, and physical presence would no longer be a part of his life was overwhelming.

Wonwoo felt a profound sense of emptiness in his heart. He missed Mingyu's laughter, his warmth, and the way they effortlessly understood each other. The distance between them felt like an insurmountable barrier, and the thought of not being able to hold Mingyu's hand or see his smile whenever he wanted was painful.

There were moments of doubt and insecurity that crept into Wonwoo's mind. He questioned whether their love could withstand the distance and the challenges that came with it. He wondered if Mingyu would find someone new in New York, someone who could be there for him in ways that Wonwoo couldn't.

But amidst the sadness, Wonwoo also admired Mingyu's courage and determination. He knew that this opportunity was important for Mingyu's personal and professional growth. Wonwoo wanted nothing more than to support Mingyu, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness.

In the quiet moments, when the city lights twinkled outside his window, Wonwoo would reminisce about their time together. He would read old letters and look at photographs, finding solace in the memories they had created. He held onto the hope that someday, their paths would cross again and they would find a way back to each other.

Wonwoo's heartache was a testament to the depth of his love for Mingyu. He understood that sometimes love requires sacrifice, and he was willing to endure the pain of separation for the sake of Mingyu's dreams. Though the void left by Mingyu's absence was palpable, Wonwoo remained hopeful that their love would endure, even across the vast distance that now separated them.

One day, Wonwoo received a letter from Mingyu. It read, "Wonwoo, I think it's time for us to move on. I'll always cherish the memories we made and the love we shared. But this distance is too much for us to handle. I'm sorry."

Wonwoo was shattered. The man he loved was slipping away from him, and there was nothing he could do about it. He replied to Mingyu's letter, "I understand, Mingyu. I wish you all the happiness in the world."

Their love story ended not with a dramatic confrontation, but with a quiet acceptance of their fate. It was a sad end to a beautiful love story, a reminder that not all love stories have a happy ending.

Even though they were no longer together, the love they had for each other never faded. They moved on with their lives, carrying the memories of their love in their hearts. The story of Wonwoo and Mingyu is a testament to the fact that sometimes, love isn't enough to keep two people together. But that doesn't make their love any less real or any less beautiful.

After years of living separate lives, fate finally brought Wonwoo and Mingyu back together. One sunny afternoon, as Wonwoo walked through the bustling streets of Seoul, he spotted a familiar figure in the distance. It was Mingyu, looking just as radiant as ever.

Their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still. Without a second thought, they rushed towards each other, embracing in a tight hug. The years of longing and missed opportunities melted away in that moment.

Mingyu smiled, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Wonwoo, I've missed you more than words can express," he said, his voice filled with a mix of joy and relief.

Wonwoo, unable to hold back his emotions, replied, "Mingyu, I never stopped loving you. It feels like a dream to have you back in my arms."

As they caught up on each other's lives, they realized that their love had never truly faded. The distance had tested their relationship, but it had also made them realize the depth of their feelings for each other.

They decided to give their love a second chance, knowing that this time they would fight for it with everything they had. They learned from their past mistakes, promising to communicate openly and prioritize their relationship above all else.

Wonwoo and Mingyu's reunion was met with overwhelming support from their friends and families, who had witnessed their love story unfold years ago. They celebrated their love, cherishing every moment they spent together.

With time, their bond grew stronger than ever before. They built a life together, creating new memories and overcoming any obstacles that came their way. They traveled the world hand in hand, exploring new cultures and experiences, knowing that their love was resilient.

Their story became an inspiration to others, a testament to the power of love and the belief that true love can withstand the test of time and distance. Wonwoo and Mingyu's journey was a reminder that sometimes, love finds its way back to us when we least expect it.

And so, their love story continued, filled with joy, laughter, and a profound appreciation for the love they had found in each other. Wonwoo and Mingyu lived happily ever after, grateful for the second chance they were given and the unwavering love that brought them back together.


Hi guys! This is my last chapter for now, yes. This is a seventeen ship so I think maybe after hiatus I'll make this a svt and skz oneshot, hehe.. I'm currently getting into seventeen and also at the same time trying to stan NCT, 27 members is alot 😭😭 (if I'm not wrong they are 27 right?) Idrk I just found them randomly with their names and wanted to stan them.

Also, please do stream "LALALALA" by stray kids! It is a good song that I recommend, even the Side songs gives off "SOTY", Stan stray kids!! >.<!!

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