👀 hyunsung

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Hyunjin: (whispering) Jisung, we need to talk.

Jisung: (concerned) What's wrong, Hyunjin?

Hyunjin: (nervously) People found out about us. They know we're dating.

Jisung: (shocked) How did they find out?

Hyunjin: I don't know, but it doesn't matter now. They're spreading rumors, and it's becoming impossible to ignore.

Jisung: (sighs) We knew this would happen eventually, Hyunjin. We can handle it together, right?

Hyunjin: I wish it were that simple, Jisung. The pressure is suffocating. Our families, our friends, they're all against us. They don't understand.

Jisung: (sadly) I thought they would come around eventually. I thought they would see how much we love each other.

Hyunjin: Love isn't enough, Jisung. Not in this world. They're tearing us apart, bit by bit.

Jisung: (whispering) I can't lose you, Hyunjin. You're the reason I wake up every morning.

Hyunjin: (teary-eyed) I can't bear to see you suffer anymore, Jisung. The stress is taking a toll on you. Your health is deteriorating.

Jisung: (weakly) It's not just the stress, Hyunjin. I've been hiding something from you.

Hyunjin: (concerned) What is it, Jisung?

Jisung: (pauses) I'm slowly dying, Hyunjin. The doctors don't know how much time I have left.

Hyunjin: (shocked) Jisung, why didn't you tell me? We could have faced this together.

Jisung: (whispering) I didn't want to burden you. I wanted to protect you from the pain.

Hyunjin: (sobbing) You're not a burden, Jisung. I love you, and I want to be there for you until the end.

Jisung: (weakly) I don't want you to see me suffer. I want you to remember me as I am right now, not when I'm at my weakest.

Hyunjin: (determined) Jisung, we can fight this together. We can make every moment count.

Jisung: (smiling weakly) You always know how to make me feel better, Hyunjin.


Months pass, and Jisung's condition worsens. Hyunjin spends every waking moment by his side, cherishing the time they have left.

One fateful day, Jisung takes his last breath, leaving Hyunjin shattered and heartbroken.

Hyunjin: (whispering) Jisung, why did you leave me? I can't imagine a life without you.

The weight of grief becomes unbearable for Hyunjin. Consumed by sorrow, he loses all hope and finds solace in the idea of joining Jisung.

Unable to bear the pain any longer, Hyunjin takes his own life, leaving behind a world that couldn't understand their love, a world that took away the two souls who were destined to be together.


Note: This story addresses sensitive topics and may be distressing to some readers. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please reach out to a helpline or a trusted individual for support.

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