1.4 The North Pole

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*Third POV*

In a far-off place, on top of the earth, there is a winter wonderland, full of elves and magic. One elf in particular sat in an office nursing a warm cup of hot cocoa as his eyes ghosted over the long list of many names of elves trying to decide who would be going on a vacation and when. He had a slender figure, with medium-length dark brown hair braided many times, his eyes are warm chocolate brown like his hot cocoa, and his skin was fair with his cheeks speckled with bits of silver and coated in a rosy hue. He was adorned in a red and gold striped tunic, dark brown trousers, forest green velvet hat with ribbon on the hem, various necklaces one even made of bells.

He placed his cup down, picked up a quill and started putting v's next to the elves that would be going on vacation. Suddenly a warmth spread through his body, a warmth he had never felt before it was an odd feeling yet somehow a familiar feeling, he slowly set the quill down as his eyes got hazy and his train of thought got lost in thought when the door burst open.

There was another figure in the doorway. He was small yet somewhat tall with curly red hair and adorned in a green outfit similar to his own, "Bernard, we've got a new Santa," the boy announced causing the man, Bernard, to nod and stand from his chair.

"Very well," He stated and gently pushed the elf out of hiss office, "I shall go and welcome them, thank you for informing me, Quentin," he nodded and rushed off back to where he worked as Bernard made his way to the stables.

Back outside, Scott, Charlie and Abigail had landed but, instead of the reindeer taking them home they were brought to the Arctic, Abigail shivered violently as she pulled Charlie closer to her in an attempt to keep them both warm, "Is this okay, Dad?" Abigail stuttered as the winter air nipped at her nose.

Scott turned to his daughter, "No, it's not okay!" he yelled causing Abigail to lean back away from him, Scott stood from his seat, "Hey, does this look like home to you guys?" He questioned the reindeer, but all he got in response were grunts. Abigail just sighed and looked down as her blonde hair was getting covered in snowflakes, suddenly she felt the reins that were in her hands being pulled away, she looked up and saw the reindeer leaving, "No, no, no, no, no! Hey, hey, hey! Where are you goin'? Come back here! Aww!" Scott called out in anger and sadness.

It was quiet for a few minutes before a lone figure walked out of the snow, it was a small elf, "Hey, hey!" Scott had started calling out to the elf but was ignored, "Hey, buddy!" the elf continued to ignore his cries and only pulled off his gloves and blew air onto his hands to warm them up a tad, "You, sir! Hey! Can you hear me?" he then reached into the snow pile and lifted what looked to be a pole of sorts, it was striped red and white with a glowing orb on the top. The elf crossed his arms as they slowly rose into the air.

"What's that?" Charlie asked.

Scott leaned next to him, "I don't know," he replied.

Abigail watched happily as it stopped and glowed brighter, "I think it's the North Pole," She spoke with wonder, upon hearing her response the elf smiled at her causing Abigail to smile back and wave.

Scott scoffed, "That's the North Pole?" he rolled his eyes and continued to cry out to the elf, "Hey, buddy, we need some help," he cried once again ignored as a small part of the pole opened, "Hello," the elf leaned over and begun pressing a few buttons, "What are you doing?"

When the elf looked back at the family, the sleigh began descending into the snow, Abigail looked around in wonder before she waved goodbye to the small elf in the snow. As they continued to lower into the ground, the piles of snow turned into beams of wood, bounds of holly and tinsel and many small elves wandering around below us, "Hey, look! Here comes the new Santa!" one of the elves call out as they all gathered around the bottom of the sleigh, Abigail leaned forward with Charlie to get a better look at the place.

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