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Doctor left from there after saying this as they shift yoongi to ICU

He is just lying there like lifeless body there jk look at his brother and crying

Tae: what is he,s blood group

Mrs jeon: AB nagetive  blood group is the rarest of he eight main blood group types just 1% of doners have this type of blood group

Tae: called his manager as he told him to find yoongi blood group type

Aouther POV

Let me tell you why no one have his type of blood group in his family because he is not real son of jeon he is son of mr jeon,s step brother mr min son but his parents died in accident
So mr min keep yoongi to himself and take care of him like own son he give him his own name

End of pov

Jk went to doctor as he Asked

Jk: doctor can I meet him please just two'minutes please doctor

Doctor: ohk but only two minutes

Jk nodded as he went to ICU  and open the door and enter inside and stand beside yoongi he hold his hand softly

Jk: yoongi wake up na look evryone is worried for for you see now it's enough don't be stubborn like this please if you not wake up na then I'll not talk with you are you hearing me na wake up please*he fell on his knees   while crying

Tae trying he's best for finding blood group he did every thing but still didn't able to find

??: Where is yoongi

Tae look at to see the person and it's jimin

Tae: jimin

Jimin: manager told me where is yoongi how he is

Tae: he is critical we need AB negative blood group for save him

Jimin: I'll ask in my family and friend circle maybe if someone have * jimin called everyone in his freind circle but unfortunately no one have

To be countine......

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