[010] the greene family

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season two, episode two

THE GENTLE CHIRPS of birds is what awakens her the following day, the animals almost singing her into reality and welcoming her to a new day. It's not exactly an odd sound to hear now but to hear them so clearly, it's almost beautiful.

Allowing her eyes to open, albeit rather slowly, Charlotte takes in her surroundings as best as she can. The room is small but definitely enough for one person to reside in, the brunette laid out in a double bed with a damp towel folded over her forehead. She still feels so lethargic, her body weak but the rest has most certainly done her some good. She pushes herself up into a seated position, eyes surveying the room for signs of anybody — she vaguely remembers seeing a blonde girl and an older man before passing out.

"You're awake,"

Charlotte has to stop herself from falling off the edge of the bed in shock, a startled gasp leaving her lips as said blonde girl enters the room. She wears a kind smile, though it also appears somewhat hesitant, Charlotte cannot blame her for that. There's an underlying fear bubbling up with her as well, she doesn't know these people and they don't know her.

"I brought you some water," Her accent is evident, more country like than those who Charlotte was with previously. Her tone is also soft though, sugary sweet as she moves closer to the British girl. "Here,"

The blonde girl holds the cup out and Charlotte takes it hesitantly, hand shaking rather obviously as she brings it to her mouth. Charlotte maintains eye contact with the girl as she drinks it, almost as if she's trying to figure out whether or not it's safe to actually keep drinking. She gives no sort of suspicion, practically encouraging her to keep going. The burning in her throat is slowly beginning to fade into nothingness, a small sigh of relief falling from her lips.

"Maggie is just getting you something to eat," The blonde speaks up again. "I'm Beth,"

Charlotte looks at her for a few moments. "Charlotte," she introduces herself in response, noticing the way Beth's eyes seem to flash in confusion at her accent. "I'm not exactly from around here,"

Beth simply nods, her gaze moving to the door as footsteps approach them. A woman joins them, her brown hair hanging just below her chin — Charlotte can see a bit of a family resemblance between the two of them, so the assumption from her is that they're probably sisters. The woman places a sandwich on the bedside table and Charlotte has to stop herself from lunging at it.

Maggie looks at her sister a little discreetly and receives a small nod in response before turning her attention to Charlotte properly. "I'm Maggie. You on your own?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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