The Skirmisher scoffed. "For our mission."

An idea popped into your head. You turned to Diluc, drawing your weapon once more. He looked at you confusedly, and when you attacked him, he was too slow to process your actions.

You knocked him down, pressing the blade of your claymore towards his neck. You shook your head at him, making him look at you, understanding your plan.

Quickly, you faked a blow to his abdomen. He pretended to take it and 'fainted'.

You stood up and walked back towards the Skirmisher. Holding out your hand, he took it and stood up.

"...Why were you attacking me?" He asked, slouching over from the wounds on his legs.

"I couldn't recognize you fast enough. The wind here is blinding." You lied, tucking your weapon on your back.

"...Hmph." He coughed, his shaking legs struggling to hold him up. "I've never seen a Cicin like you..."

You thought of an explanation for yourself. "...That's not the point. The point is that we're both here for the same thing, no?"

The Skirmisher sighed. "...Right."

You looked back over the tree. "...What new information do we have on the delusion?"

"Weren't you at the meeting yesterday?" He asked.

You shook your head. "I've been out here trying to find it myself."

"Hm..." He examined you before looking at the Statue of the Seven. "...The delusion has been broken into seven pieces across Mondstadt. We've managed to recover one."

"Oh? Seven pieces..." You tried to act as if this was new information to you. "...Interesting."

"Yes. The one that's here will be our second recovery." The Skirmisher approached the Statue.

You let out a low laugh, causing him to turn around. "...What's amusing?"

You put your hands on your hips, smiling. "Just the fact that you Fatui are as dumb as you look."

Before you he could respond to your words, Diluc had sliced through his body.

You watched the Skirmisher fade away into the depths of the abyss.

Diluc looked back at you after putting away his weapon. "...Nice plan."

You laughed. "Now we know the status of the Fatui."

"According to that Skirmisher, they already have one shard..." He said.

"...Look at the Statue."

Diluc followed your gaze and looked into the Anemo Archon's hand. The orb he was holding had a soft red glow in the middle.

Carefully, Diluc approached it and used the end of his blade to carve the delusion shard out of the orb.

The wind around the area died down, as well as the air growing clearer. You took in a deep breath, the fresh scent of the leaves filling your senses.

"...Three down, four more to go." Diluc walked back up to you, holding the shard.

"We should keep these hidden instead of on our person." You started. "Just holding onto this shard has made me sluggish."

"...For now, let's take these pieces back to Dawn Winery." He replied, putting the shard away in the pocket opposite of the other one.



"...This is where you're going to hide it?"

After arriving at Dawn Winery with Diluc, he brought you down to the basement of the place. You expected wine and other alocholic beverages to be stored here, but instead, it took you by surprise to see what actually was in the space.

"Yes. No one knows of this place besides you now." Diluc took off his disguise and tucked it to the corner.

"...So is this some sort of work place?" You noticed the desk full of papers and odd reports.

"You can think of it like that." He replied.

You watched him take out the shards from his coat and walk over to a hidden panel in the wall. Pushing it in, a box pulled out from it. He placed the shards inside and waited for you to do the same.

"So secretive." You giggled putting the shard inside.

"We need to discuss the shard the Fatui has." He said, placing the box back inside the wall and sealing the panel shut.

"First, we need to get all the other shards before them. If we infiltrate them now, they'll know that we're in on their plan." You replied back, walking over to the desk.

"Then that means we'll have to get the rest of the shards in one night." He stated, walking over to you by the desk and taking a seat in the chair.

You titled your head while looking down at a report. "When you say you have 'contacts', is this what all these papers are talking about?"

"Sure." He said dryly.

You huffed. "You shouldn't keep secrets from your sidekick."

"Oh? I thought you didn't like that name?" He smiled softly.

"You're right." You smirked. "I prefer to be called something more fitting..."

"Like?" He looked at you.

You thought to yourself. "...Actually, I don't know. People either just call me by my name or put 'Miss' in front of it."

"So are you suggesting a nickname?" He asked.

You rolled your eyes. "You sound like Kaeya."

"Don't." He retorted, making you laugh.

"Do you have any nicknames?"

He hesitated before responding to your question. "...The only nickname I have is... not something I'm proud of."

"Care to let me in on it?" You sat on the edge of the desk, turning to look at him.

"...You'll figure it out eventually." He said.

"I will?" You asked, shifting your body around.

"...Sitting like that will make your back hurt." He watched you struggle to get in a comfortable position.

"There's no where else to sit." You said, looking around the room. Your eyes were then caught on a bottle of wine. "...Dibs."

He watched you stand up and walk over to the bottle. You returned back to the edge of the desk and popped it open.

"Did you not hear me when I said we're going to recover the remaining shards tomorrow?" He said, watching you down the bottle.

You laughed as the liquid quenched your thirst. A trickle of wine fell down your chin and onto your chest.

You placed the empty bottle onto the desk and crossed your arms. "Mm... that means we're getting three shards in three locations... but how will we know what location the Fatui recovered one from?"

"That's the problem." He said, watching the alcohol lower your eyes.

"...My gut says they already went to one of the cubes." You slurred.

"Your gut?" He asked.

"Mhm." You smiled. "I always listen to my gut."

"...If your gut told you to jump off a cliff, would you?" He joked.

"Yep." You laughed, swaying your body.

"..." Diluc watch you giggle as if he was still joking with you.

You tried to position your leg over the desk, but still couldn't get comfortable. He noticed this and spoke up.

"...If you want the chair, you can have it." He said.

You nodded and stood up, slowly walking over to the chair.

He prepared to get up, but you had plopped down right in his lap.

Your head fell back onto his chest, and you sighed, looking down at his desk. "...Question."


"...Do you drink?"

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