I had no desire to confront him, no wish to relive the memories that still haunt me. Yet, fate had a twisted sense of humor, bringing him here to cast a shadow over my evening.

Riley's eyes locked onto mine, and a wicked smile curled upon his lips. It was a smile that held secrets, a smile that promised pain. With each step he took, his presence became more suffocating, and I felt the weight of his condescension pressing down on me.

No, it can't be him, my mind protested, a desperate attempt to deny the reality unfolding before me. But the knot in my stomach tightened, a visceral reaction that betrayed the truth – Riley had stepped back into my life, uninvited and unwelcome.

"Well, well, if it isn't Evelia," he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Still serving tables here, I see. I must say, I'm impressed. Who would've thought you'd stick around in a place like this, considering your lack of skill and charisma?" His eyes scanned the restaurant as if searching for someone to share in his amusement.

"We're closed." I simply stated despite the hurt and anger that was bubbling inside of me. Just seeing his face was enough probable cause to punch him, in my opinion at least.

He looked down at his watch pretending to count the time mockingly, "Not for another half hour. It's okay I know you can be a bit slow sometimes, mentally and physically" He laughed as if it was the funniest thing ever. My heart raced as I tried to keep my composure. I didn't want to engage with him, but I could feel his eyes boring into me.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

I tried to push the discomfort aside, to don a mask of indifference, but my trembling hands betrayed the facade. A rush of memories, both bitter and sweet, flooded my mind – the arguments, the heartbreak, the scars that had long faded but not entirely healed.

"Just passing through. Thought I'd come in and see how my ex-girlfriend was doing," he replied, his smirk growing wider. I could feel my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Riley had always been the one to look down on me and my job as a waitress, and now he was here, making me feel small all over again. But I refused to let him see the effect he has on me.

I forced myself to move, to resume my duties, but each step felt heavy, laden with the weight of history. The air crackled with an unseen tension. 

As I began to clean up around him, he continued to make snide comments. The restaurant was practically empty. There was a small relief in my chest noticing that all the customers were gone. The only coworkers remaining were all hidden away cleaning up in the kitchen.

"Wow, so as I was saying, still working at this place, huh? I thought you would have gotten a real job by now. Guess you're not as talented as you thought." His voice sent shivers down my spine. He wore a smug expression, as if he stumbled upon a secret that only he knows.

"I'm happy with my job," I spoke through gritted teeth. "And I'm proud of the hard work I do here." I tried to focus on my task, but his condescending comments cut through the air like a knife.

Riley just chuckled. "Sure, whatever you say. I just hope you're not stuck here forever." He sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

His words hit me like a punch to the gut. Memories of our past together flood my mind, the times when he belittled my aspirations and dismissed my dreams. I felt a mix of emotions - hurt, anger, sadness, and embarrassment - all at once. I didn't want to show Riley that he was getting to me, so I put on a brave face and tried to ignore him.

I forced a tight-lipped smile, concealing the hurt and anger that threatened to bubble to the surface. "Well, Riley, some of us find joy in the simple pleasures of life, in making connections with people and brightening their day. It's a shame you can't appreciate that."

Riley's eyes narrowed, a cruel smile playing on his lips, as he condescendingly remarked, "Oh, how quaint. I suppose someone like you wouldn't understand the pursuit of success and refinement." An intense whirlwind of emotions surged within me, causing me to clench my fists and dig my nails into my palms, determined to shield my vulnerability from his gaze.

He continued, digging deeper into wounds I had confided in him, betraying the trust I once placed in him, asserting, "...and not a single soul truly likes you. They merely tolerate your presence out of pity. Eventually, they will recognize you for who you truly are - a broken, useless, insecure little thing - just as I have."

With a forced smile, I respond, refusing to let him see the turmoil brewing inside me. "Ah, Riley," I replied, my voice steady but laced with a hint of sarcasm. "Your ability to belittle others hasn't changed a bit, I see. But I'm flattered that you still find time in your busy schedule to grace me with your presence."

A flicker of irritation crossed Riley's face, fueling a small sense of satisfaction within me. I may not have the upper hand in wealth or status, but I have found strength in my own resilience. I won't allow him to undermine the progress I've made in rebuilding my life.

But beneath the bravado, a maelstrom of emotions churns. Hurt clawed at my heart, anger coursed through my veins, and a veil of sadness draped over me. Determined to shield my vulnerability. I would not let him see how deeply his words affected me.

Riley's eyes narrowed, his face contorting into a cruel smirk. He thrived on these power dynamics, always looking for an opportunity to remind me of his privileged background and my perceived lack of status.

"Oh, dear Evelia," he scoffed, glancing around with a condescending air. "You always did have a flair for romanticizing mediocrity. But let me assure you, I've moved on to bigger and better things. My new girlfriend understands ambition and sophistication, something you could never comprehend."

"Riley, it's heartwarming to see how invested you are in my life still after so many months even with a new girlfriend. I still manage to cross your mind I see. Perhaps one day you'll find something that brings you genuine joy so you can stop being an absolute prick." A flicker of surprise flashed across his face, Riley's smile faltered for a moment, his arrogance momentarily shaken. But he quickly regained his composure swiftly replacing it with a mask of superiority and nodded mockingly. He glanced around, hoping to find an audience to witness his apparent triumph. But the absence of validation only fueled his resentment.

"Ah, Evelia, always the naive dreamer," he remarked, a trace of venom in his voice. "I know you must be so busy cleaning up other people's shit and I have better places to be anyways. Enjoy your little charade" With those final words, he sauntered away, leaving me standing there, the remnants of his arrogance lingering in the air. My heart pounded in my chest, and a lump formed in my throat.

I retreated to the safety of the backroom, seeking solace in the silence that enveloped me. The backroom of the restaurant offered a temporary respite from the cacophony of emotions raging within me. But even in this sanctuary, the echoes of Riley's cutting remarks reverberated in my mind.

I leaned against a stainless steel counter, my hands trembling ever so slightly. The hurt from his words seeped into every corner of my being, threatening to extinguish the flame of resilience that burned within me. Tears well up in my eyes, betraying the strength I had fought so hard to uphold.

But as I gazed at my reflection in the polished metal surface, a fire began to ignite within. Anger, a powerful and motivating force, replaced the initial sting of sadness. How dare he belittle my accomplishments and undermine the strength I have found?

No longer will I allow his toxic presence to dictate the narrative of my life; with each tear wiped away, I straighten my posture, embracing a fierce determination that settles deep within my bones. Riley will not have the power to make me shed another tear, no matter how deeply he wounded me. The weight of the evening's encounter pressed upon my shoulders, and a heavy ache lingered in my chest. Avoiding bidding farewell to my coworkers, I feared exposing the hidden side of me that I fiercely protect from prying eyes. With a forceful motion, I hung my apron on the hook and swiftly made my way to clock out, wasting no time.


a/n: the infamous ex has made an appearance  

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