─ 03. expresso; make friends with it

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May 22nd, 2023
6:42 AM

Blankly staring into space, waiting for the coffee pot to fill up, I was hardly fazed by my mother yelping loudly once she got a good look at my face.

I was women enough to admit I looked like a fuckin' train wreck. My hair was fuzzed up (probably matted), my eyes held the darkest circles known to man, and my eye bags had freaking bags.
Let's not even forget to mention to red mark, in the shape of a hand, which was my own doing – of course, but I'll get to that later.

North followed closely behind Mom and could barely contain his horror. And if North reacted the way he did, you knew it was bad.

I didn't get any sleep since I was rudely woken up by the intolerable lettuce head and his flavor of the night. After telling Sawyer enough to feed his curiosity, I got off the phone, huddled up, and prayed that I wouldn't hear anything else.

But no. My luck had to be shitty and I had to go through listening to the lady next door get choked by my neighbor's monster dick and then proceeded to scream and shriek all night for fuckin' hours.

No matter how many pillows I put over my ears, I could still hear everything.

Mom's brow drew together in concern as she hesitantly stalked closer to my hunched-up form.

"Jesus fuck," North nearly bellowed while he stomped into the kitchen, to take my face in his huge hands. "What happened to you?"

I looked up at him with dead, tired eyes and dragged my feet towards the coffee pot, where I slowly filled up my jug and turned to look at them.

"I only got an hour's sleep last night." I said dryly, a frown marring my lips.

Mom still watched me curiously and sidled past me to make her own, significantly smaller cup of coffee.

North raised a dark brow and leaned back against the counter whilst crossing his burly arms across his chest.

"Geez." Mom winced, knowing how much I valued my sleep. "Stay up late writing again?"

"No." I sneered at the thought of my salt slug of a neighbor, "I was rudely woken up by the sounds of fuckin' giggling and shrieks – I tried to ignore it, but once it began to get louder, I got up and stumped my fuckin' toe!" I snapped outraged, steam practically coming out of my ears.

I sucked up the iced coffee aggressively, earning startled looks from my parents.

"Then – and then when I got up, limping to my fuckin' window, I saw that women hit her knees in front of the fuckin' neighbor and pulled his dick out of his pants – it was huge if you were wondering – and when I tried to go back to sleep after seeing that mortifying image; I. Could. Not." I hit the counter with my fist as it emphases each hissed word.

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