chapter four.

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chapter four   /   dirty rotten scoundrels❛ where ever you stray, i follow

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chapter four   /  dirty rotten scoundrels
where ever you stray, i follow.

The Crow Club was noisy and filled with all kinds of people

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The Crow Club was noisy and filled with all kinds of people. Most of them were drunk. In a place full of color, Eulalie was the only one devoid of it. Despite this, she pressed on, approaching the bar. The bartender, a fat, hairy man, looked down at her through his thick, round glasses. His dark eyes were magnified by the lenses, making him appear more bug-like than human. He put the rag he was using to clean the beer tap aside.

"What am I getting for you?" the bartender asked. His voice was gravelly, and Eulalie noticed some gray hairs by his temples.

"I need to speak with the owner of this establishment," Eulalie said, standing straighter. She tilted her chin upwards and crossed her arms.

The bartender frowned and picked up the rag. "Brekker isn't here tonight."

"Well," Eulalie pressed, determined to get her way. These were urgent matters, "who can I talk to while he's out?"

"You can talk to me," replied another man, standing behind her.

Eulalie turned around to face a Zemini man. The man was taller than the bartender and lanky. He wore a striped vest and a tophat. Eulalie made note of his pearl-handled revolvers resting on either side of his belt. "Who are you?"

"I'm Jesper, Kaz Brekker's right hand," the man said. "And you are...?"

"Eulalie Downing."

"Downing..." Jesper repeated, scrunching his eyebrows. "Where do I know that name?"

"You don't." Eulalie had to take his mind off of her family for fear of him knowing about the rumors. "Do you know when Mr. Brekker will return?"

"Oh no," Jesper laughed, shaking his head. "He's here, but he doesn't really do visitors."

"Can I make an appointment?" Eulalie asked, narrowing her eyes at him. He's bluffing, she thought silently.

Jesper chuckled again. "Play me in a round of cards, then we'll talk."

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