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As Mia was finished taking selfies, she went to her room and made her bed, organized her desk a little to kill time from bordem meanwhile Zach was just talking about with the other bodyguards of the guests that will be coming later the evening today and to the maids how to have the place spotless for the guests when arrival.

"Okay, Squirt! c'mon let's head out!! It's 10." Zach yelled from downstairs and looked at the bodyguards and maids "Make sure when I come back, this place is spotless for the guests." He whispered

"Coming!" Mia replied yelling back as she came running downstairs excitedly to go out as she hasn't for a while. "Which mall are we going to? I was thinking we could maybe go to the Carlsbad one?" She raised an eyebrow

"Sure kiddo, let's go there." Zach smiled as they both started walking out and having the guards open and closed, heading out to one of Mia's cars she had gotten from her 16th birthday, a Tesla.

Once near the car Zach opened the passenger door for her and closed it too then went to the driver seat, Mia was into k-pop but honestly she didn't have a specific music taste. It was just whatever she liked most so she connected her phone and put on 'The color violet' By Tory Lanez, that was one of her favorite songs that she was playing on her playlists.

"Turn this down, it's so damn loud.." Zach sighed, turning the volume down.

"What?- no— turn this back up!" Mia side eyed him annoyingly.

"Now young lady, I'm a security guard that's in charge, not you." He said turning it down once again.

"Whatever, just at least have it up a bit." Mia pouted as she turned the volume up a little bit more.

After driving for a while they finally made it to the parking car. As they got out they started walking inside the mall, immediately once they arrived many people noticed and recognized Mia from social media as well by her father. "Omg it's Mia!" One girl yelled "Please, let me have your number!" Another said, people surrounded her and wanted to take photos. Although Zach poor him he was struggling on trying to not have a whole circle around them as he yelled for everyone to back away and go along back to what they were doing since it was getting too hard for Mia to move around. While walking around they first went to Sephora Zach knew that he would probably be there for awhile and they were till 12, after they went to the Candy Shop to get some candy, then their third store was H&M to buy some clothes that Mia wanted and of course Zach had to be strict about it which Mia found annoying

"How much longerrr.. we've been here for a billion years..!!!" Zach whined carrying bags that HE OFFERED to hold. "And my arms are getting damn heavy, can't we just sit down and get food?-" Zach looked at the exit, glancing at it then turning around at you.

"Nono, that's your problem. You were the one who offered to hold the bags so I helped myself and put them on you. Not to hear you whine.." Mia replied in a sarcastic tone and laughed a little leaving Zach glaring and sighed.

"Remind me to never take you out to the mall, especially at this timing." He said flatly and rolled his eyes as he just looked around the store.

"Nope, you won't even be expecting it." Mia laughed as she continued looking around and having her hands full of clothes.

~ Time skip ~

"W..-What the.. I left you looking around for 35 minutes and you already have these many clothes?!" Zach said surprised as he grabs some of the clothes and goes to the cashier.

Mia giggled and smiled widely
"Well? What can I say these clothes need to be put to good use. Plus this one is sooo cute. I couldn't just leave it by itself." She pointed it out to Zach and he just chuckled and patted her head.

After finally exiting that store we went to one more clothing store which was Forever21 looking around at least for a good 35 minutes and meanwhile Zach was just following around eyeing people to make sure no one would come up at her.

"What about this shirt?" Mia showed, it was black off-shoulder too.

He then looked at it and scanned it.
"Though do you think your father will allow you?" He raised an eyebrow giving her a curious look.

"Mmm.. Well I can just wear it only at home..?" Mia looked at the shirt now debating.

"Well let's see, although I do think you're gonna wear it at home. I'm sure he won't mind it" He smiled and nodded.

As they were looking around for more clothings Zach got a call saying that Mia's father would be coming an hour or 2 soon. Shit..Zach thought to himself.

"Mia you done? We have to go now, your father will be home soon." Zach whispered and she nodded as she started to go to the cashier with the credit card paying.

He smiled waiting for her, once she finished they both started heading out but of course before they did actually leave, they had to get wreztel pretzel and got the pizza bites which were amazingly good as always. As they made their way out everyone started to gather a little while Mia waved and took photos with after she went to the car, Zach opening the passenger seat first and closing it then putting all the bags in the back seat then the rest in the trunk as he got himself inside buckling his seatbelt knowing what going to happen next once they arrive home. Mia start playing another song that was from her playlist called 'Compassion' By Kanii, Bossa which was a really good song she would jam in her car feeling herself as always, nothing could ever go wrong huh. Or so she thought so.

Soon the song ended and another song played which was a new one called 'LALALA' By StrayKids, her and Zach's favorite artist. They were blasting it and vibing to it which was hella good. Even though it was in Korean that didn't stop them from enjoying it, it basically felt like home where there's lyrics to express yourself without any words..just sounds and lyrics. That's all they needed. A while later they soon made it home safely. Mia got unready and got into her new off-shoulder shirt trying it on which fit perfectly and was happy about it along with some booty shorts too along with it, as it was now 2:45PM in the afternoon.

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