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"come on shiloh i know you want this" the masked man says in a distorted voice as he climbs on top of me, i struggle to scream but nothing comes up

"stop fucking moving" he yells as his fists hits my ribs and i loose air in my lungs, my vision starts to blur

i shut my eyes feeling his body weight press agaisnt me and his hand wrap around my neck, i taste the saltiness of my tears but i cant hear my cries

my mind went black and i cant hear anymore until the sound of an alarm clocks wakes me up from that nightmare

i wipe my eyes looking around me, i was still in my bedroom, fully clothed and alone in my bed

"gosh" i sigh running my hands through my hair, i pick up my phone the time appears on the screen 4:36 am

i step out of bed and into the bathroom, i shut the door sitting down on the toilet staring at my phone i open spotify searching for crime podcast in my area

'the water bodies' - vincent and ronnie : the crime couple

i click on it turning the volme up as i get ready to go for my run, i take off my clothes from last night and pull up my black leggings and a pink lulu jacket

"welcome back crime cakes, its vincent and ronnie. lets uncover the recent murders in our 'perfect' suburb" ronnie's voice fills my bathroom, i pick up my phone and walk back into my bedroom

"last night police found the body of fiona woods in a river right behind christ stone grocery shop, doctors can determine she had vocal paralysis which is why no one heard her deafening screams" vincent explains i connect my phone audio to my head phones as he continues

"fiona woods autopsy shows signs of struggle, she was strangled to death after her head was beaten in by a blunt object and both ankles were snapped in half, she suffered 7 stab wounds that were not fatal, the scariest part of this was how the killer cut out her tongue and left a lotus flower in her mouth"

i slip into my sneakers pulling my thick hair back into a claw clip, i pull up my zipper of my jacket and open the front door

the sun not out yet and the cold strong air hitting my face, i shut my door stepping onto the sidewalk and beginning my run

"fiona's family members in extreme heartache leaving the large community in shock about why anyone would have ill intentions towards a respectable 23 year old woman"


i walk into the diner playing with my hoodie strings searching for noah, i see his brown hair and his deep blue eyes drawing me in

he gets up walking up to me, his long strides reminds me of the day he asked me out on the beach and i melted

"i missed you babe" noah holds me close kissing me softly  "im sorry i couldnt be there for you, especially when you needed someone"

"im fine noah" i step back signing to him "what are we eating" i continue, he stares at me lost

"why arent you speaking, i dont understand anything you're saying. i thought they fixed you" he snaps and my smile falls into a scrunched expression

fixed. what was that meant to mean "babe thats not what i meant, im so sorry" he holds my wrist, i drag my hand away walking out of the diner

"shiloh stop! let me drive you at least. please, if you dont want lunch we can do this a different day let me take you home" he pleads dark blue eyes enchanting me like a spell

i drop my shoulders nodding softly, he smiles brightly holding my hand and taking me to his car. he opens the door for me and i sit down feeling something tickle my ankle, i look down picking up the strand of long blonde hair that was definitely not mine

unheard truthsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz