XVII. The Wall of Emotion

Start from the beginning

Their weapons, stained with the viscera of the fallen, stand as both tools of survival and symbols of the brutal reality they confront. The first courtyard, now emptied of immediate threats, becomes a temporary sanctuary—a hard-fought victory in their ongoing struggle against the relentless tide of the undead. Yet, the ominous presence of the prison looms large, a reminder that their journey for safety is far from over.

"Don't break rank. Almost there." Rick calls out, the six of them standing back to back as they move through courtyard.

The group confronts a new challenge as they encounter a second courtyard infested with walkers. Huddled behind a protective wall, they strategize, observing the undead presence and the unexpected appearance of guards with helmets. A tense engagement ensues as the group grapples with the difficulty of dispatching walkers whose heads are shielded by protective gear.

Maggie's decisive kick and Daryl's lethal precision contribute to the ongoing battle against the relentless undead. Meanwhile, Rick takes the lead, advancing toward the courtyard with determination to secure the area. In a daring move, he pushes one of the guards to the ground, a calculated effort to gain control in the midst of chaos. The struggle intensifies as the group works in concert to overcome the latest obstacle in their dance.

The group, faced with a courtyard filled with walkers and guarded by walkers wearing helmets, finds themselves in a challenging predicament. Despite the obstacles presented by the protective headgear, Maggie's swift action eliminates one of the guards, while Daryl skillfully deals with a walker.

"See that?" Maggie brags, not noticing the walker behind her and Madeleine pushes her out of the way and swings the sword at the walker, decapitating and Glenn cringes at the sight. "Nice."

"I'm never going to get used to that." Glenn breathes out, heading away from the women who stand back to back and kill 2 walkers in coordination.

The tension rises as Rick takes charge, boldly approaching the walker-infested courtyard with the intent of closing it off. In a strategic move, he successfully pushes one of the guards to the ground. The battle for the courtyard continues, with the group navigating the complexities of the situation in their quest for security.

"Daryl!" Rick screams out.

With Daryl's assistance, Rick fights off walkers on their way, successfully closing the gate to secure the courtyard.

"Are y'all dumb? Remove the helmets!" Madeleine showcases her combat skills by decisively eliminating one of the guards with a lethal stab to the neck, after removing the protective helmet.

Glenn and T-Dog observe her actions with a sense of admiration and awe. The group's collective effort proves effective in facing the challenges posed by the walkers and guards, marking another victory in their ongoing struggle for survival. They skilfully eliminate another guard using the same method.

Daryl follows suit, displaying his combat prowess. Rick takes a more unconventional approach, removing a guard's helmet and skin before delivering a fatal blow to the head. Maggie adds to the body count by successfully taking down another guard. The courtyard, once a perilous space, is now filled with the fallen bodies of both walkers and guards.

"Stop." Rick demands, looking at their surroundings with a satisfied expression.

Glenn smiles, "Looks secure."

"Not from the looks of that courtyard over there." Daryl speaks, pointing over at the body, "And that's a civilian."

"Well, if there's walls, then, what are we gonna do? We can't rebuild this whole place." Glenn argues back, looking around the group.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now