"Yes he will be fine, just a minor concussion. He'll be awake soon, perhaps in a few minutes." To which both girls let out sighs of relief.

They decided to wait for him after Chiron left letting them know to meet him and Mr. D with Grover. Grover finally woke up, screaming aloud "ENCHILADAS!", which let the others know that he was finally awake.

The demigods and wixen started rolling on the ground laughing with Hermes and Apollo chuckling with them, which only made Dionysus roll his eyes at their immaturity.

"I have a feeling these movies only exist to embarrass me." Grover groaned, hiding his face in his hands, which only made everyone laugh louder.

After checking up on Grover they went off to the other end of the big house where Chiron and a man with dark curly hair and gleaming purple eyes sat at a table with cards. The two blonde girls from earlier were leaning on the porch

"That's Mr. D, he's the camp director" Grover murmured pointing at the man. "And those girls over there are Annabeth Chase and Katie Gardner, they're just campers but they've been here for a long time." Both Rhea and Andy were able to conclude that Mr. D was Dionysus, the god of Wine, based on the descriptions their father gave them of each god.

Dionysus, who was reading some wine magazine, finally looked up at the mention of his name.

"I'm already worried on how Uncle P could have described me then." Hermes nervously chuckled.

"How about 'unstable' and 'delusional'" Artemis dryly said and Hermes huffed.

"Sounds like my aunt." Draco commented and Narcissa slapped him up the head.

"Excuse me? I'm 'just a camper'?" Annabeth asked in clear offense and Katie rolled her eyes. "What are you, the Queen of England? How else was Grover supposed to introduce us?" she chided.

"Exactly. You're not special." Rhea asserted, and Annabeth scowled at her and Katie.

Chiron smiled at them. "Rhea, Andromeda, join us for pinochle."

"Ugh. I should probably say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood brats. Don't expect me to be glad to see either of you. " Mr. D grumbled.

"The feeling is quite mutual." Rhea snarked and Andy agreed with her.

"Only Rhea would meet a god for the first time and have her first instinct be to insult him." Remus sighed.

"Rude and obnoxious, just like Miss Potter." Severus Snape, who was quiet for most of the time remarked with a sneer. Remus glowered at his friend's old rival.

"Ugh, get over it! My mother rejected you years ago, and yet you still feel the need to bring it up!" Andy shouted. She has had enough of Snape's constant bullying and torment. Her green eyes glowed in anger, and with her blazing red hair she briefly reminded Snape of Lily.

Poseidon, who looked at his daughter then towards the Slytherin head, began to growl. Oh he was going to murder this man. Andy was a bit different from her sister, she did not get as easily angered as Rhea does, so that fact that she snapped now shows that this Snape man has been bothering her for years, and clearly had ill intentions.

Apollo perked up at the red haired witch's outburst and looked at her in concern, before he turned his molten gold eyes towards Snape.

"You've been nagging a teenage girl for something her parents rightfully did decades ago? How pathetic can you be?" Apollo sneered, his gold eyes darkening. "I should curse you and your entire bloodline right now for daring to even think yourself above her." Andy's eyes widened at the realization that he was actually going to curse him. His uncle and her sister were in support of him cursing the man.

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