chapter 20

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I was getting my beauty sleep when someone, no two people came in and went " Planet Camp Tour". Bro it's so early, yes the sun is up but I'm not.

I pulled the blanket to cover my face, but it was quickly pulled away. then I took my pillow and covered my face and it was taken away too.

so much for human rights. I don't even get my pillow and blanket. so what I did next, well I whined. disturbing my beauty sleep is a no-no.

but after a second or two, I just zipped it and opened my eyes looking at Woongki and Seo Won who seemed very proud of themselves while Seowon held a go pro filming themselves.

"go away" I whined and snatched back my pillow and hugged it. they ignored it and had the audacity to go "planet camp tour" again. I glared at them sending daggers with my eyes.

Then Ollie joined me on my bed, this boy had just fractured his finger earlier. he's honestly so silly, now he has a big cast because of it.

"hello boxer" I said to him and he put his cast to my face which by the way smelled horrendous.  I pushed it away instantly and smacked his back ever so lightly.

"jiaqi 姐,你怎么还在睡( jiaqi sister, how are you still sleeping)?" he asked grabbing my pillow. what's up with everyone wanting my pillow. fine, take it, I'll find another.

"我累嘛(because I'm tired)" I deadpanned. "go wash up, we're vlogging" Woongki said shooing me to the toilet.

I dragged my feet to the toilet, washed my face and brushed my teeth before coming back out. I'm still in my pyjamas, I wore long pants and an oversized shirt.

I'm always wearing an oversized shirt because it's extremely comfortable, and I love it. I thought I was finally free of the two " planet camp tour" but oh boy I was wrong as soon as I was out of the toilet they were there and "planet camp tour, jiaqi introduce yourself".

I pushed my hair back and waved to the camera. "I'm Jiaqi, thanks for all the love and support i love you" I said and gave a thumbs up and a heart then started walking away.

then I went to the cafeteria, today I sat with Sung Hanbin, yujin, jiwoong, seok Matthew and Seungeon. I couldn't find my team so they adopted me.

with the time we've been in planet world, we have all grown closer to one another and forged tighter bonds. this would probably give us some separation anxiety.

I think tomorrow is the day when they'll announce the elimination, I'm scared. I'm scared of leaving my friends, or my friends leaving me.

if I could I would debut with all the guys here, but that's impossible there would only be 10 that shine the most that will debut. not everyone will debut, and that's... that's just how it works.

+ with the challenges progressively getting tougher, we're forced to work harder together, in unity, so having to leave even if it's just one person here... it's going to be hard.

I've become so close to everyone. I don't want to see them leave.

another day of practice. it's night time, Seo Won and Woongki come to ask me and park hanbin to say goodnight and byebye to the star creators.

"bye-bye, sleep well" I said, and hanbin said a goodnight. Park Hanbin came to my room and was sitting on the end of my bed while I was sitting at the top.

we both waved to the camera, and I swore Hanbin mouthed "She's so ugly" and I threw my pillow at him and Tadah HEAD SHOT. I'm starting to think I'm talented like that.

Then Seowon and Woongki both said goodnight to us and we said the same. then the room is only left with Park Hanbin and I.

we both stared at each other, usually this would start a laughing fit, but this time it didn't. we both had things on our minds.

"you can start," I told him, the room is quiet, so he's only sharing with me and maybe everyone else once the video airs, because the staff finds our privacy to be the best thing to share.

"no, you go first I don't know how to say it" he says. "just try, say what you think I'll put it together" I told him.

"I'm worried, I won't make it to the final lineup. everyone here is incredibly good." he started looking down fiddling with his fingers. "I don't know if I'm good enough," he said.

I nodded hearing what he said. "okay, what did you want to say" he asked me. "same things you did, I hope we debut together. with seungeon hyung too and keita hyung" I told him.

"I actually cannot picture the debut group, it's unpredictable. but I hope you're inside" I told him, squeezing his hand and offering a smile.

and then we just sat there in comfortable silence as we let our thoughts float around in the room. we understood how each other felt though. we didn't speak but I somehow knew what he was thinking and he knew what I was thinking.

then there was a knock on the door. "yes" I called out, it was the staff asking us to go out. they're telling everyone to write whatever on their minds on the wall with the planet world's logo.

I went and wrote

I hope that I'll forever be happy
no matter what I'm doing. 
- ♡

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