Old Dog, New Tricks

Start from the beginning

"So, it's different for every Time Lord. How many times have you regenerated if you don't mind me asking?" Katy quizzed the Doctor who looked a little bit awkward. "If you don't want to answer it's completely fine-"

"No, it's not that. I don't mind telling you," The Doctor hurried to reassure her. "This is my tenth regeneration," He explained, and Katy's eyes widened in surprise.

"Tenth? How many do we get or is it unlimited?"

"Time Lords only get eleven chances at regeneration. Once they're gone, time's up. We just die for good," The Doctor looked incredibly solemn, and Katy looked appalled.

"That doesn't seem fair."

"No, but that's life. You gotta make the most of it," The Doctor stated, going back to being cheerful once again. He immediately gets to his feet. "So why don't we get started, huh?" He offers her his hand, and Katy hesitates a little just staring at it. The Doctor wiggles his fingers enticingly and Katy lets out an amused snort before reaching up and taking it, allowing the Doctor to pull her to her feet and tucking her into his side by wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they walked back to the Powell Estate.

"So where are we going tomorrow?" Katy questioned, slyly.

"Nah, I don't want to spoil the surprise. Where's the fun in telling?" The Doctor scolded. "It's much more exciting if the adventure is a surprise."

"Okay. I'll hold you to that," Katy shrugged.


Next Morning

The Doctor stands at the console, starting to power up the TARDIS while outside, Jackie and Mickey were saying their goodbyes to both Katy and Rose, both of whom had heavy looking rucksacks on their backs, full of their clothing and other belongings they needed on their travels.

"Have you got everything?" Jackie questioned her daughters.

"We've got everything, mum. Don't worry," Katy reassures Jackie who gives a small smile that looked more like a grimace than anything, and Katy felt a little guilty that yet again, she and Rose were leaving her behind to go off on adventures with the Doctor.

"Just be careful," Jackie begs.

"You'll have to call Mo about that-" Rose attempted to remind Jackie, who impatiently waves off Rose.

"Oh, never mind Mo."

"Okay, I'm going now. I love you!" Rose chirps enthusiastically and bounces over to peck both her mother and Mickey on their cheeks and give them hugs goodbye.

"I love you," Jackie tells Katy and Rose, and Katy smiles warmly back at their mother with affection.

"I love you too, Mum. I'll call you later just to check in," Katy reassures Jackie, who squeezes her into an appreciative hug.

"Good. At least one of you is responsible about things like that," Jackie states, as Katy turns and walks over to Mickey who also looks a bit downtrodden that yet again both girls were going off who knew where, and probably getting into yet more danger than before.

"I'll miss you," Katy tells Mickey who squeezes her tightly.

"Have fun, yeah?" Mickey reminds Katy who nods before kissing his cheek and running into the TARDIS behind Rose. Jackie and Mickey watch the TARDIS dematerialise away before Jackie lets out a sad sigh and turns, heading back to her flat, while Mickey just walks away.

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