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Poetry 14


This poetry belongs to a girl Named shagun. A girl with a beautiful soul whom I Met Randomly while working on my main book [ REPULSIVE POET ] she helped me alot in making my book. Although she gives the worst advices but she helps in my decisions and I can say that proudly that I have a person who can I trust blindly just like my family member. We didn't met yet but I hope one day we will. So this thing belongs to her and here how she is.

Today i found a girl up from the diamondmine...
She felt like an old friend of mine...

Like I lost her somewhere in the blues
Even i dont have any clues

She's like the ocean of the mysteries behind that thing there is just the three's

She love to lost in the books
Where I become the writer and she becomes my page
Very untold storylines with full of rage

Books became the world when the mystery comes
where the stone shaped of cavity the heart becomes
I felt like she's the fictional one cause she draws her world
full of herself with the pen and gun

A stranger becomes a good friend where you depend on each other to *jannat* somewhere

She knows the secret the mystery of mine
Yes i agree you can find the one in stranger sometimes 🤌🏻💓

Too deep right?

Hope you start studying dude
Work hard
Sleep less.
Thank you so much for your every small help and everytime you supported me

[ love you... ]

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