They were initially going to be just humanoid figures made out of copper to serve as rudimentary workers. But soon after I started making progress, and around the time my sister got around, we found the first deposits of Aether in a cave system not too far from here, quite large too. Both of us got to business immediately, and I kept trying to come up with new designs to see if I could improve the contraptions further while she tested them out. Until I eventually realized that the Aether didn't have anything to consume, or rather, enough material to work with. So I tried getting some infected, which gave very faulty results, along with making them easily lash out at people.

That's when during one of team B's expeditions, they found a nest in an abandoned apartment complex on their way to Fyiona, which housed infected of a level we hadn't seen before."

Kohen: "Revenants?"

Abigail: "Bingo.

We took them down and hoped that with the body still relatively "fresh", we could somehow get the Aether to react to it, and to our surprise, it did. But it was only after ingesting Aether while being alive, and then killed, that the Neo-Revenants were born.

After that, we just added the metal parts, went through some more redesigns, and voila! The Royal Guards came to be."

Myrellie: "What we weren't expecting however, was how they instantly became loyal to Abigail and I for giving them a new purpose. Upon awakening, they cried, and thanked her for freeing them of their torment, while still offering them a new chance at life after their unfair death."

Myra: "They never died... did they?"

Abigail: "... 


That is the sad truth about this virus.
You can't die after infection.

And it'll just keep eating at your body.
At your brain.
At your soul.

Until you're simply a carcass of your previous self.
Endlessly murmuring words only your mouth remembers how to spell."

Kohen scratches his head.

Abigail: "Ah! One important detail I forgot to mention about them. Their will is directly embodied into their Aether Cores, and as a result, the copper body they power. It's the same thing Gardnt was talking about. 

Myra: "Uughhh..." She exhales in disgust.

Abigail: "Your will and soul are directly connected to your weapons. Whatever you got through your answers, or picked through a gut feeling will always be linked to you, which allows you to use it in ways no one could even think possible.

These Revenants went through a deeper process than that, being able to choose the path of madness and destruction, or the path of rebirth, reconstruction and serenity. Most of the Royal Guards chose the latter, but there were some failed attempts."

Kohen: "Some chose madness... Why?"

Abigail pauses.
"Who knows? At their core, they were once people.
And sometimes, people make the strangest choices."

Kohen stares into Abigail's eyes for a moment, then drops the gaze to his palms. Pondering.

Kohen: "Hm... Guess so..."

Myrellie stares at Kohen. Barely recognizing the rambunctious kid that once kept trying to get everyone's attention. He seems so different now. So mature.
Time has flown by ever since she took him in, and he's steadily growing up.
She doesn't know how to feel about this.
Myra eyes him the same.

Kohen: "Well!! That answered my question more than I could've imagined! There are so many awesome things that I still don't know about."
Abigail: "Right on! Hopefully you find what you're seeking."

Myrellie stands up and walks towards the door.

Abigail: "Heyyy where ya goin?? You left your beer!!"
Myrellie: "I'm going to sleep, these kids are in good hands for the night."

Abigail: "Hey! I have one last thing to tell you about."
Myrellie: "Another one?" She pauses her march.
Abigail: "Haha! I know.

When you go to the facility tomorrow, and hopefully find them, you have to tell them I sent you.

Since they're on par with my plan to confront the Royal Families, they won't trust you, and will ask for a code."

Myrellie: "Which is?"

Abigail: "The Crimson Lotus."

Kohen: "The Crimson Lotus...."
Myra: "Hmm...
Does it have a meaning?"

Abigail: "I guess you're gonna find out soon enough, aren'tcha?"

Vyralजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें