Chapter 2: 4 years later on Sentai Six, meeting Heckyl and 12 years later

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Naomi is the Shunosaurus Dino fury Indigo ranger and her roll call is Shuno Fury Indigo Ranger
A/N ends

Naomi POV
I had grown up with the Smith Family for four years now.

I had told the Smith Family that I was going to go on a walk around the block of houses but one thing I always liked and always on my mind like a plague was Sentai Six being the calm and graceful planet that it was. As I was thinking about Senti Six, I was suddenly thrown to the floor with someone on top of me I then asked if this person would kindly get off me, I looked up to see a young boy around my age brushing of the sand off his trench coat with a pocket watch hanging loosely around his waist and then he helped me up.
He had a dazzling smile that could hypnotise you.

He introduced himself as Heckyl and I introduced myself as Naomi but I also asked why he crashed into me in the first place. Heckyl replied with some bullies and I then told him that I would help him defend himself.
As time went on we began to fall for each other and we told each other of our powers I was interested with his blue lightning and telekinesis and Heckyl was interested how my elemental powers worked. A year later he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend.

~Twelve years later~
Heckyl and I were celebrating our anniversary of being together in my backyard and last month Heckyl proposed to me and I said yes.
We then started to hear screams of fear and anger and saw fire nearly everywhere. We ran into my house and I screamed to my mum and dad what was happening and they screamed back saying we were under the attack of Lord Arcanon and his followers and said that he was after the Dark Energem which was placed at the core of the planet but you could get it from the palace oh and Naomi if we don't make it out we need to tell you so-someth...

A fire ball burst through our house like a rocket and caught both my parents under a pile of rubble from our now destroyed house. I heard my mum's soft but now rough croaky voice saying the thing we wanted to tell you is you are adopted sorry for not telling you but your biological parents sent you here for protection and we wanted to tell you when the time was right. I replied with I understand and if I didn't come here I would have never seen how kind you were and I would never of met my fiancé Heckyl I love you so much mum and dad even if we aren't blood related your still my parents since you don't need to be related to blood to be family. Aw we love you so mu...
I began crying that they were gone but I knew I also had to be strong for them. Heckyl and I both looked at each other and nodded at the same time because we were thinking the same thing to get off this planet before it's too late!

We rushed to the palace and got the container where the Dark Energem was kept safe and our next destination was the transport pods to get off the planet.
Just before we had gotten to the transport pods two blasts were shot at us and we fell down and the Dark Energem was released out of its container, before I had the chance to reach out to get it Heckyl hissed slightly at me and said go get off of this planet I'll be behind you with the Dark Energem and I replied with "ok see you soon I promise", but before I left he handed me a pocket watch of both of us when we were little and I gave Heckyl a locket with a picture of both of us together on a tree bench eating ice cream.

The Aftermath of the attack:
I had just gotten into a transport pod when I noticed that Heckyl had made a dive towards the Dark Energem like a goal keeper stopping the ball from going in the goal in football. Then Heckyl's body began glowing a navy light blue and in his place was a monster with neon yellow eyes and the monster introduced itself as Snide, as soon as the introduction was made I programmed the transport pod to Earth and so I fled from Sentai Six

FOREVER! Only to be seen again with the Dino Charge Rangers.

My AU is that Chase Randall and Nate Silva is Kendall Morgan's siblings like Chase is the older twin brother of Kendall but wanted to go to New Zealand so he lived with his aunt and cousin there and since he had stayed there so long he adopted the surname Randall and then Nate is the youngest and very smart like Kendall and he decided to help his uncle with science and ended up with a science job at Coral Harbour when he was younger and then later on in life he began to make weapons for his ranger team and then became one himself and ended up with another brother who at the end became human and started an acting career which is Izzy Garcia's favourite actor but Nate was in Coral Harbour for so long he adopted his uncles surname Silva. But they are all still siblings.

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