Past Is Always There

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^^Marcus (fyi long chapter, but base of storyline. Have fun, just one present scene to kind of give Juliet some flavor, and to show you readers how Juliet and Marcus are kind of buddies, but next chapter there will be more.

"Yes it it true. I was out there for 2 years before finding this place. All alone, well for most of it at least." I say.

"JUSTIN, WAKE UP." My Mom yells at me after banging on my door.
"Justin, school starts in 20 minutes. Hurry up. If you are late again you are grounded for 2 weeks."
I do not think my Mom understands what it's like to be a teenager. I mean of course she was one but that was like, 20 years ago. Times have changed. I still do not get up and I also do not reply to my Mom.

"I swear to the Lord Jesus that if you do not get up right now I am taking away your Ben privileges for a week." She really threw a hard blow right there.

Ben is my boyfriend since freshman year, we started dating first semester-ish when I was outed at school as bisexual. He came up to me and told me he was gay and we kind of hit it off from there.

Yes I know what you are thinking, "the only two queer people at our school dating, that's predictable." No we were not the only openly "gay" people at our school. He told me in private months before he came out officially.

So I get up. I can not lose my Ben privileges again. Last time I lost them for coming home to late and he was the one to drop me off, it was miserable. MISERABLE.

"Coming. Can you put the cereal out on the counter for me Mom." I say so she has proof that I am awake and getting out of bed.

She opens the door to talk to me. " Who in the hell do you think I am, your slave? No your lazy ass can get up out of bed and get cereal if you want it that bad." Did I mention the part where I am in my underwear while she is saying this?

"MOM, GET OUT." I'm not embarrassed of my body, just what the hell Mom.

"You act like this is the first time I have seen a man in his underwear, especially you." She says with a Mom attitude you don't really mess with.

"Hurry up, Ben has been outside for 5 minutes, I told him to leave in 10 if your not out there. So you got 15 minutes." I smile as she walks out because of how well she has gotten to know Ben.

Ben is literally the man of my dreams.

As I put some clothes on and walk downstairs I notice that my dad is watching the news as I put a piece of toast in the toaster.

"Son did you hear about the deadly virus going around? Apparently it"a from Asia and it makes people sick and eat people. Or cannibals depending on how you look at it. It's really fascinating son." My dad says with a conspicuous grin.

"Yeah that"s cool Dad" I say completely disregarding this stupid rumor of a virus and grab my toast.

"Love you Dad, Love you Mom. See ya." I say as I head to Ben's car. Now that I am finally out of the house I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I love my parents but my Dad is a theory conspiracist and my Mom is an extra person in literally every category, so it is good to have a break.

As I hope into Ben's car I sigh in relief.

"That bad huh?" He says as he grabs my hand to hold it for the car ride.

"I wouldn't get up and she almost took my you privileges again!" I say with again, a sigh of relief.

"Oh what a shame that would be, losing the best boyfriend in the world?" Ben says.

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