Wake Up Call

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Ok author note: Set in the United States. Kind of a drowsy beginning but hope you guys like it. The "dead" are supposed to be like the walker from TWD. Please enjoy :)

It has been a long time since I have been outside the walls that keep the dead out.  It has been a long time since I have killed one of them, since I have seen their lifeless bodies die one last time.

After seeing everyone in your family die horrible brutal deaths, and watching your lover you thought you were gonna marry die. Killing the dead just does not seem so bad anymore. Until you do not have to do it anymore. Until you are stuck behind the walls people hide behind in order to get away from them. That's when it gets bad.


My alarm in the morning goes off and I wake up from another horrible dream of them. Ever since being in this place I haven't even seen one. So that somewhat makes the dreams get better ever single day.

As I lift myself out of bed and get some actual clothes on I realize what day it is, Third Year Memorial Day.

It has officially been three whole god damn years since the world ended and we built a new society in the broken world. Or since my sister did.

My amazing sister, the god almighty representative of our community of over 30000 people, Homeland. By representative I mean that she represents us to new communities we find, basically she's the scapegoat to find other communities and recruit them to us. Did I also mention she is a general in our militia. Well now you know.

They chose her because she is one of the best fighters here, and shooters, and combat strategist, basically any cool thing you could think of that has something to do with fighting, she is good at it.

It is the third year anniversary which means I have a week or two until this is my first full year in Homeland.

I walk to the kitchen to get some breakfast, the best part of Homeland if you ask me. I never had breakfast out there, to scared of becoming breakfast to them. My breakfast consists of 1 egg, 1 sausage, and 1 piece of toast. All my rations could afford while my sister is off visiting some god forsaken community, The Refuge.

After breakfast I grab all my things, including my knife. I can't go anywhere without something, I tried to get a gun by my side but the knife was all my sister could get the board to accept. She is very good at getting her way when her community intake is at such a high rate, and the more communities that join us means the more farmland and food we get from the farming communities.

After I secure all my things I head out the door to school. Oh yes, another part about Homeland, school. Most people who did not have to live out there see school as a bad thing in here, I don't. I see school as a sign of life, which you only usually see out there when someone is trying to kill you.

As I reach the school which is in an old office building because the only school is 20 miles east, which is uncleared territory for Homeland. We learn in an office building. It's actually not to bad but there is something about schools actually having a name other then "Office Max", that just makes schools homier.

Since most of the teachers in the world are dead, our classes consist of three subjects. English, Math, and one elective. Since we have a wide arrange of careers in Homeland half a dozen or so people stepped up for elective teaching. Like one of our nurses from the Infirm (Hospital), dedicated her off shifts to teach kids how to treat wounds with limited supplies, or an ex-marine soldier teaches us safe ways to kill them.

Me personally, I stick to art. The art teacher is and old lady whom Homeland found in the beginning. She was working in a factory to can food items but as we grew larger and made a school, getting an art elective was something that our community envied. Something normal to connect us to the old world. Also teenagers like myself, tend to like art to. There is over 15 kids in my class, which is a lot in the end of the world.

The Never Ending LiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon