Chapter 12

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The night air feels cool against my skin as Cassie and I continue our conversation outside the lively party. My confusion grows, and I can't help but press for more clarity.

"How is Vanessa a problem? I don't get it," I ask, hoping for a straightforward answer. Cassie, however, seems frustrated and lets out a sigh.

"She's bad news, and she just... ugh," Cassie replies, her voice rising unintentionally. My expression changes, and Cassie realizes she might have overstepped.

"Okay," I say calmly, trying to diffuse the tension that lingered in the quiet night.

"Okay what?" Cassie responds, now the one looking confused.

"Anything else?" I inquire, attempting to keep the conversation on track.

Cassie hesitates before sharing more. "She kind of threatened me to like her and said you'll be her girlfriend."

"Okay," I respond, oddly calm in the face of this revelation. Cassie looks at me, concerned, then heads back inside, presumably in search of Vanessa. I, on the other hand, find my way to Riley and the rest of our friends.

"What's happening?" Riley asks, but she seems a bit out of it.

"I don't know. That's the scary part," Cassie replies, her demeanor tense.

"I know something's about to go down," Collin adds, glancing around. Cassie shifts her attention to him.

"Dude, where are your shirt ?" Riley notices, breaking the tension.

"Long story," Collin begins, cutting me off before I can finish. The night unfolds with a sense of impending drama, and I can't shake the feeling that things are about to get more complicated.

Vanessa persists with her fake concern, laying a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Layla, having fun? You seem a bit off."

I cut through her act with unfiltered sass, my patience running thin. "Cut the crap, Vanessa. Seriously, save it. You're not fooling anyone here."

The tension thickens as I decide to confront her blatant disinterest in my life. "Prove it then. Name all of my friends."

Her confidence wavers, but she takes the bait, attempting to recall names. "Conrad, Mitchell, Rowan-"

I swiftly cut her off, arms crossed in exasperation. "Just stop. This is sad. And, if you really knew, you'd recognize Collin as my cousin."

The silence that follows is deafening, accentuated by the collective eye-roll from my friends. Riley looks at me, Blake smirks, and Sawyer shakes his head in disapproval. Cassie, usually quick with a witty remark, remains silent, her eyes mirroring my frustration.

"The fact that you can't even recognize my own cousin speaks volumes," I assert, my tone dripping with disdain. The atmosphere grows tense as Vanessa's attempts to fit in crumble before her, exposing her insincerity.

Feeling a surge of anger, I address Vanessa directly, letting my frustration spill out. "Vanessa, you're not fooling anyone with your act. It's clear you're just here to play a part. I don't need fake people in my life."

She stammers, attempting to salvage her facade, but my patience has run out. "No, save it. I've had enough of your fake concern and phony gestures. We're done here."

I gather my friends, the collective decision to leave evident on our faces. Riley gives a nod of approval, Blake looks satisfied, and Sawyer wears a smug grin. Cassie, still silent, joins the unspoken agreement.

As we exit the party scene, leaving Vanessa behind, Sawyer expresses his contentment with our departure. "Finally, some sanity. I knew leaving was the right call."

The night air provides a welcome contrast to the stifling atmosphere we left behind. My friends and I share glances of relief, and even Cassie, usually the first to engage in banter, remains contemplative. The departure isn't just from a party

' I hate fucking parties' I said walking. Outside after like 2 hours of telling Vanessa off and of course you know what happened

As we stumble out of the party, the night air hits us like a wave of reality. Cassie and I walk together, navigating the post-party maze like a dynamic duo. "Are we on a mission or something?" I ask with a smirk, savoring the playful dynamic.

Riley, Blake, and Collin, fueled by the concoction of teenage energy and a few too many drinks, are acting like a trio of overgrown kids. Collin, looking around with faux confusion, declares, "I feel like we're in a video game, and I've lost my quest marker."

Blake, doing an exaggerated spin, adds, "Next mission: Locate the car before the fun police arrives. Spoiler alert: I am the fun police."

Riley, still a bit out of it, attempts a comeback but ends up giggling. "I spy with my little eye... something that's... spinning. Oh wait, that's me." She twirls again for emphasis.

Sawyer, the designated driver, hands me the keys with a half-smile. "You're up, Layla. Just don't make it a roller coaster ride."

Cassie and I exchange apologies in the dim glow of the streetlights, our words hanging in the air with a strange mixture of tension and understanding. It's like a quiet acknowledgment that there's something more beneath the surface.

As we pile into the car, the blend of personalities is palpable. Cassie, slightly inebriated, mumbles trippy observations about the stars. "You ever think stars are just glitter that the universe threw up?" she wonders aloud.

I chuckle, "Well, if that's the case, tonight the universe partied too hard."

Riley, still in her own world, comments, "I've always wanted to ride a shooting star. Do you think we can catch one?"

Blake adds, "And make a wish while we're at it. Maybe for a lifetime supply of pizza."

We decide on a detour to a gas station for post-party snacks, a collective craving taking hold. Cassie, who's feeling the effects of the night, stumbles a bit and leans on the car. "Layla, I need snack guidance. I'm in a candy labyrinth, and I can't find the exit."

I playfully roll my eyes, "Fear not, dear friend. Follow me, and I'll guide you through the snack maze. Just try not to get lost in the chip aisle."

With snacks in hand, we pile back into the car. Riley, blissfully munching on a bag of chips, declares, "This is the best part of the night. Snacks and a soundtrack. Layla, play something groovy!"

As I take the wheel, Sawyer's eyes are half-closed, and he mutters, "If anyone tries to change the music, you have my permission to drop them off at the next dimension."

Cassie, still leaning on me, whispers, "Thanks for being the designated snack guide. You're like my snack superhero."

I glance at her with a smile, "Anything for my partner in snack crime."

The car ride continues, a symphony of laughter, trippy thoughts, and the distant hum of music from the radio. In that moment

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