Chapter 7

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Layla hair and outfit

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Layla hair and outfit

The weekend was something just me chilling everyone stayed home witch I liked it's calming it's peaceful I love that but now it's A typical Tuesday and I'm bored I loving learning but I'm bored both of teachers are not here so I got the media center but you wouldn't believe who was there and.Flores herself

'Vanessa what you doing here?' Id asked ' my class doing a boring math exam I finished in 15 minutes' she says. ' oh okay you're bored too?'
She nods her head she grabs a chair and sat with me

As Vanessa settled into the chair beside me, I couldn't help but marvel at the easy flow of conversation between us. It was as if we'd uncovered a treasure trove of shared interests, our words dancing effortlessly from one topic to another.

"You know, I've always found the dark humor in Bojack Horseman strangely cathartic," Vanessa mused, her eyes alight with a glint of amusement.

A genuine grin spread across my face. "Exactly! It's like a therapy session wrapped in cynical humor. And South Park... well, that's a whole different level of irreverence, isn't it?"

Vanessa let out a hearty laugh, and I found myself captivated by the sound. It was contagious, infectious even. We continued to dive into our mutual love for shows like The Flash, dissecting our favorite plot twists and character dynamics.

Then, the conversation took a thrilling turn toward horror movies, and our shared passion for Fear Street ignited a new level of excitement. "I mean, seriously, who doesn't love a good horror movie? The adrenaline rush, the suspense... it's an experience like no other," I enthused.

Vanessa's eyes sparkled with agreement. "Absolutely! There's something about facing the unknown, the sheer intensity of it all. It's like a rollercoaster for your emotions."

Vanessa's gaze fixed on mine, a spark of intrigue dancing in her eyes. "I'm surprised your best friend doesn't like horror movies."

I chuckled. "Oh, Cassie? She's a bit softer than me when it comes to movies. She's all about heartfelt romances and childhood classics. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy those too, but horror is definitely top-tier entertainment for me."

As our conversation continued, I couldn't help but notice Vanessa's playful flirty undertone. It sent a jolt of something unfamiliar through me. I tried not to overthink it, but there was an undeniable connection between us, one that I hadn't anticipated. And then, as if the universe decided to throw a curveball, our eyes locked. The world around us seemed to fade, leaving just Vanessa and me, suspended in a charged moment. It was in that moment that Vanessa asked me out. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, and for a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still.
' so wanna like go ina date.together?' She asked me
A date like a romantic date?' I mean she's not ugly she's very,very pretty I thought she was something not to worried about well I was wrong I could say no to this I love Cassie but for now I have to let her go and explore whatever this is plus it's like this shit going to last

' sure, Vanessa I would go on a date with you' I accepted the offer
'Good I see you tonight if that works?'

The bell rang
' yeah that works' I said as I walked away I thought about what the hell I got myself into a fucking date my friends are going to shocked I know their reactions

Collin would be surprised got a date b
Blake would ask if my date has a best friend and give me the 'talk' like a dad
Riley and Sawyer going to ask a million Goddamn questions like her social security number and
Cas is going to shocked and hoping I like that person even though she gets kind of jealous

Either way it's going to be a mess the worst part we have a study hang out tonight I'm going to miss it not that I need it it's for them but still it's going to be a damn mess

The lunch table fell into an expectant hush as all eyes turned to me. Cassie's bag of Skittles, temporarily forgotten, sat poised in her hand as she stared at me.

"Dude, you good?" Cassie finally broke the silence, jolting me back to reality.

I blinked, slightly disoriented. "Yup, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you've been zoned out for like 10 minutes," Cassie pointed out, her concern etched on her face.

"Well, I mean, I did agree to something," I admitted hesitantly, deciding it was time to come clean.

The group leaned in, the mix of curiosity and confusion palpable. "Agree to what?" Blake and Collin chimed in simultaneously.

Riley's playful tone laced with genuine worry cut through the tension. "Please don't tell me it's a cult?"

Sawyer shot her a bemused look. "Riley, Layla's not dumb. She won't join a cult or agree to one." He turned to me, a more serious expression now. "You didn't agree to a cult... right?"

I let out a small laugh, relieved that the concern was laced with a bit of humor. "Guys, I did not agree to a cult," I assured them.

"Then what is it?" Cassie's gaze was fixed on me, and I knew it was time to spill the beans. Everyone was waiting, curiosity radiating from their expressions.

I took a deep breath, the words tumbling out. "I'm... going on a date. With Vanessa." The admission hung in the air, the weight of it settling over the table.

'You what?!' Everyone said in unison looking at me like I've murder somebody whole family or something
' yes see we're both in the media center and it just...kind of happened sorta ..kind and it's also tonight..yeahhhh'. I said I know what's about to come

Collin wore an expression of pleasant shock. "Wait, hold up. You got a date?"

I chuckled at his surprised tone. "Yeah, somehow, I did."

Blake, always the responsible one, took on a fatherly tone. "Alright, Layla, does your date have a best friend? Let's talk boundaries and expectations."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, appreciating his concern. "Blake, it's just a date, not a lifelong commitment. But noted, Dad."

Meanwhile, Riley and Sawyer bombarded me with an onslaught of questions. It was like an interrogation.

"So, what's Vanessa's favorite color?" Riley asked eagerly.

Sawyer chimed in, "And her star sign! We need to know if you're astrologically compatible."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Guys, slow down! I haven't memorized her social security number yet."

Cassie, ever the considerate one, stayed quiet for a moment. When she finally spoke, her tone was gentle. "Layla, I hope this goes well for you. I just... want you to be happy."

Her words struck a chord with me. I turned to her, offering a warm smile. "Thanks, Cass. Your support means a lot to me."

Cassie's eyes held a mix of emotions, and I could sense a hint of something more. She was hoping for my happiness, but there was also a subtle undercurrent of something else.

As the day went on, the reality of my upcoming date with Vanessa settled in. It was a mix of excitement and nerves, but knowing I had my friends behind me made it a little easier to handle. I couldn't wait to see where this new chapter would take me

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