JENNIE: no one! just distracting myself..

LISA: distracting for what?

JENNIE: forget it... are you supposed to be busy for tonight?

-I think I got a hint..

LISA: hmm.. yeah I actually wnated to ask if you can help me buy groceies for "our" sleep over..?

JENNIE: (sigh) I'm busy.. and besides it's your-- wait what??

LISA: so you don't want to join us??

JENNIE: ah--I want~~ (low tone)

LISA: I can't hear you...

JENNIE: I said I want a sleep over too!!!

-alright case closed :)





SONG: hello.. yeah I'm here like you asked.. (sigh) do I really have to ask her for date?

?: this will be the last time.. if nothing happen.. then I'll stop..

SONG: you promise?

?: yes~~

SONG: alright.. can I see you after this?

?: ofcourse..



-I was sulking because I thought Lisa won't invite me on their sleep over.. I mean I have slept to her unit before but that was been few weeks and it's kind of intense that time so I didn't get chance to have a better look of how her unit looks like...

luckily she lift my mood up.. so now where leaving school grounds to get some groceries. but an eye sore came..

SONG: hi miss kim!! hi to you too lisa..(smile)

JENNIE: what are you doing here? the practice will be tomorrow.

SONG: oh.. yeah I know.. I came here to ask you for dinner?

LISA: (sigh).. wheres your car jennie?

-she's pissed ..tsk..

JENNIE: uhm.. its just right here..

-were roaming our eyes whne my phone chimes..


jisoo: hey jendukie.. i borrow your car..

jennie: what!?.. why??? wheres your car??

jisoo: i left it this morning.. sorry I need to go somewhere urgent.. thank youuuu.

jennie: chuu--


LISA: what happened?

JENNIE: (sigh) stup*d rabbit took my car..

SONG: uhmmm are you going somewhere?? I can just take you..

-aiishh his still here..
lisa and I look at each other..

SONG: alright.. I won't force you to have dinner with me.. let me just take you to where you wanted to go..



-we have no choice but to take song's offer.. since its getting dark already..
-and he kept his promise and leave right after he drop us off - we spend almost two hours of roaming around buying all the things we need.. But something odd happened, Lisa left after receiving a message and that she'll be back after 15 minutes...

-its been 30 minutes or so that I'm sitting here at one of the bech outside the grocery store.."where did that monkey go!!!"
-I'm starting to get upset when my phone rung seeing my mother's name on the caller ID..


jennie: mom??

mom: I need you here.. your father is at the hospital!!

jennie: WHAT!!?? which hospital??

mom: **location** hurry up!

Jennie: yes, mom, be there in a few...


"aiiishhh.. Lisa where are you!!?-- I tried to call her number but it's out of service..

SONG: do you need help??

-his car stops in front of me.. I greeted my teeth for I don't have any other option right now...



-In a near hospital two nurses were attending a girl that was included to a car accident..

nurse1: Is she in danger??

nurse2: nope.. she just fainted but she's fine

nurse1: (sigh) that's good.. look at her.. she's.. so.....

-they look at each other..

--"HOT" (giggles)..

nurse2: odd thing her face doesn't have so many scratches.. it will be a waste if ever.. does she have any contacts??

nurse1: her phone is broken..

nurse2: hoe about an ID?

nurse1: oh yeah I found one.. her name is....




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