Everything is Not Alright

Start from the beginning

"Heh, I guess it must've felt bad waking up."

"Yup. Horrible. But the cool thing is that my brain created a full world with its own lore, factions, and characters. There were Captains I think in the village where I was, and they all had cool powers, then an empire I think... I mean, I don't remember too much, but it was damn great."

"What happened then?"

"Uhm... I got to the castle and... oh right! I got stabbed by an assassin. It was very real you know, I could almost feel the pain of getting stabbed. Right, and there was a girl, Yuna. Let's just say... it'd be nice to meet someone like her in real life."

"Welp, I know that feeling. When you just meet the perfect person in your dreams, only to wake up and know for certain that you won't ever meet someone like that."

"Yeah, it's really annoying. I really would have wanted to just stay there... much better than this world, that's for sure."

"I mean, everything is better than this crappy world, Satyo. Anyways, I've joined."

"Ok, I'll start now... how's it going with Emma by the way? You gotta ask her out."

"Eeeeeh, it's not easy, you know. It takes an enormous amount of courage. I'll do it probably."

"You're the bravest hero I've ever met, especially when it's about trolling and starting wars against entire fandoms... just do it, I'm sure she'll say yes."

"It's easy to say. What about you? Did you find anyone?"

"One shalt not seek for it which one desires, for one's true fate hath already been drawn and shalt not be found within a lifetime of search."

"Nice way to say you're too scared to do anything."

"Game's started."

Satyo began playing with his friend, but after a few minutes, he felt a weird sensation.

He felt physically drawn to the living room, as if countless hands were dragging him away from his chair and attempting to take him somewhere.

"Sorry, I have to do one thing, be back in a sec." 

He said in the microphone before muting it and giving in to the urge, quickly standing up and then heading toward his living room.

There was still nobody home, or that's what he thought, as he saw a person.

He casually greeted her, as any friend would, ignoring the fact that it was all a bit strange.

It would definitely be weird to see a girl dressed like this suddenly appear in your house: she looked like she'd know how to use the 'Dark Arts' or something similar, but although it was just a cosplay, she still didn't quite fit.

"Hey Satyo, how is it?" She asked with a friendly smile.

"Just fine, you?" He replied while handing her back the question.

"Alright. Everything is alright."



Satzell - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now