Chapter 2 - A Safe Place

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While the battle raged ferociously, Satyo ran in desperate search of a safe place, dashing through the streets of the village.


 He heard a loud explosion coming from the other side of the village, realizing his instinct was right: a battle really was taking place, and a big one from what he could hear.

(Holy shit, it actually is a battle. I wonder what sorts of magic and abilities they have...

he thought while running, excited at the thought of the powerful spells and arcane magic that this world possessed.

As he kept sprinting, a huge wall caught his attention: made of firm stone and erected for over 20 meters, it marked the beginning of the fortified part of the village, which for him meant a safe place where to seek shelter.

(Wow... it's amazing to see one in real life...

his eyes stared at the majestic wall in astonishment, but he reckoned his safety was more important, so he hurried through the wide archway, a sense of relief expanding within him.

He then walked quickly towards a large castle that he could see not too far away, still hearing faint sounds of battle coming from behind, fading with each further step he took. 

Tall stone walls covered his sides, as the fortress grew closer and closer: he was sure the village folk had taken shelter there, and was hoping to get inside too.

(Uhm... what do I do? Should I just knock?

He thought, the huge wooden gate standing before him.

"Hello? Could I get inside please?" He said while loudly knocking on the gate.

(Wait... do they even speak my language? Ah fuck, this might be a really big problem.)

After a few seconds, the castle doors slowly opened, sending a chill down Satyo's spine.

The view was stunning: green and flourishing gardens extended widely, beautiful flowers growing in them; the streets were superbly polished and lucid, the buildings luxurious and massive, and on a hill the distance there was yet another castle, even bigger than this one, accessible through a huge staircase.

But he didn't have much time to admire the landscape, as he finally met some people. People who were armed to the teeth and were sure to have already evacuated every citizen, who then began moving towards him.

"I'm not an enemy, don't worry." Satyo calmly said while raising his hands and standing still, as to avoid suspicion.

"Come with us." 

Two soldiers told him, before starting to walk towards the castle in the distance, Satyo closely following them.

They were dressed in long red tunics, wore white fox masks and carried a sheathed scimitar on their left hip.

(Well, I definitely wasn't expecting them to act like this. I expected something like 'stand still or we'll kill you!' I mean, I just randomly arrived like this, why would they not be suspicious?

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