Everything is Not Alright

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"It was... just a dream. Just a fucking dream, what the damn hell." Satyo woke up, almost crying because of his absurd and overly real dream.

Although he was glad not to be stuck in another world, that dream felt so real and immersive that he would have wanted to experience it a little more.

(Really though, what an amazing dream... I'd like to stay in there, you know.) he thought, considering the fantasy reality he had just visited to be more appealing than the boring modern world.

(Yuna... fuck! Why do I have to get attached to dream characters? As always, it was all too good to be true.)

He felt a sour taste in his mouth as he realized every person he had met in that dream was gone and never existed in the first place.

This was very annoying to him, as although those people were fake and didn't exist, he genuinely wanted to stay with them, if only for a bit longer.

Emptiness, almost sadness spread in his body as he realized all his hopes of having found a better place were removed from existence, leaving him disappointed and irritated.

(And Sae! The fucking... what was it? He said that I had powers! I don't remember the exact name, but fuck! I could have fought in epic battles with magic, yet instead, I am here...)

He reluctantly accepted that fact and got up from his bed while letting out a yawn, then went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast.

(Mom's not home, she's maybe gone to buy something? I dunno.) he thought as he made his way to the fridge to get something to eat.

"Come on, there's really nothing? Well, now I understand why she's out." He spoke freely, thinking loudly as there wasn't anyone else in the house. It was quite liberating for him to just pronounce his every thought.

"Nice, nice! I just remembered that I wanted to play that new game! I've got aaaaall day. No, wait, at 16:30 I have... I mean, even better, right?"

He went back to his room and turned on his PC, excitement rapidly growing within him; he was going to have a pretty fun and varied day, and that thought burrowed deep inside his mind, granting him the pleasant feeling of constant eagerness.

He put his headphones on, turned on his mouse, pulled the keyboard closer to himself and sat in a comfortable position on his blue gaming chair, preparing for a long session of video gaming.

"Let's see if Nyuz is on... nice!"





A voice came from the other side of the screen, blasting loudly into his headphones.

"Yes, you're funny. Wanna play?"


"What do you think? Come on, I already invited you, just accept already."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm starting it."

"By the way, this night I had a really cool dream. I was basically Isekai'd into a fantasy world, then I heard a war horn and ran to a castle to get shelter. Of course, they all had magic and stuff like that, there was another thing called... I don't remember the name, it was like the essence of magic."

Satzell - Volume 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ