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The darkness surrounded him,his mind clouded with the bitter feeling of unconsciousness.he was floating between live and death a thin line predicting the gravity of his life.

A soft gasp escape from his chapped lips as his eyes flew open,blinking them rapidly as he attempt to calm his ragged breathing and fast beating heart.

"Where am I?" He mumble yet it left an echo sound in the rather quiet bedroom leaving a hint of curiosity in the boys mind,he tried to sat up but was pulled back onto the bed with a little force,a rattled sound echoed in the room,his eyes narrowed as he realized his hands was chained up against the bed corners."what the fuck?"he hissed in a mixture of confusion and anger.the only thing he remembered was getting dragged by that mysterious guy away from his brother and then they...he was lost,unable to remember what exactly happened but what he knew is that he needed to get out of this place.

"Think jimin think,use your beautiful brain" he groan as he thought of a way to free himself before anyone enter."fuck!"he groan softly the chain on his hand rattle,he settle back on the bed his mind bringing back the thought of his team,he wouldn't admit it but he missed them already,jin handsome face that never miss an opportunity to leave his heart flutter.jimin flushed red,remembering the times he and jin spent together, from the romantic to the friendly to their sad moments,it overwhelmed him,he could quite belief it all came to an end so soon..no he was not going to let it end so soon,he had to leave he had to see his family again jin,Tae-."wait...Tae?"jimin eyes widen and suddenly a light bulb could be seen on top of his head.he remembered one time they went on a mission and he was caught in this same position luckily,Tae had thought him a trick how to get chains,handcuffs etc without a key.with a determined huff jimin tried the trick,his breathing heavy and heart in fear of it not working,after what felt like an entirnity the chain rattled and fell of jimin hand landing on the bed with a soft clang,jimin gaze was fixed on his now free hand,red bruised leaving a mark of this painful experience.as he was lost in thoughts debating what to do he gasp and sat up the first thing that came to his mind was run,and as a sane person he did exactly that.

Mid way to the door he froze and took steps back until he was in front of the large bedroom mirror."what the fuck!!?"jimin fumed not knowing how to feel as he stared at his reflection.his hair were a bright shade of pink,face breathtakingly smother with makeup,white pirls around his pale neck and a light pink dress complimenting his soft skin.jimin gape at his reflection,he looked like those ai mermaids. "What the fuck!!?" Jimin yelled,his breathing heavy and unsteady,anger consuming him.his mind had only one question: who did this?

After a moment of calming himself down jimin focused on getting out again.having an ability to sneak around without getting notice was a great help to him as he tiptoed around the unknown place.the sound of footsteps approaching alerted jimin,quickly he moved and hid behind a wall,nervously he waited until the footsteps fainted and poked his head out to check once it was clear,jimin ran,he ran with all the energy he had left,he was there he could see the door wide open already,he ran faster but just then two large men in black showed up blocking the door.jimin huff this was nothing to him,after all his boss and brother thought him right.in a spam of five minutes jimin had both guards down,opening the door he bolted to where his feet could bring him.one of the guards manage to reach his phone,he pushed the button and mumble."the boy escaped"that was all it took for the base to boom with the sound of alarm,red lit light everywhere as jimin continue to run he heard footsteps coming behind him,he tried to run faster but his feet was giving out making him fear of not escaping."jimin stop don't go there!!"a voice jimin knew all too well yelled,it was commanding holding power in it yet jimin didn't stop,he feet carried him to where only fug blinded his vision even so jimin didn't stop he was more than determine to leave this place and go to his families again even the thought of not seeing them again brought tears to jimin eyes.

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