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"Ahhhhh~...please leave me alone..I'll p-pay you guys back p-please don't kill m-me" a male begged for his life desperately after being shot more than five times in his legs.

"B-beging..n-now aren't w-we?" A male dressed in all black mocked,chuckling until it turned into devilish laughter scaring any living thing in the alley that they were in,except for the other gang members who rolled their eyes at him.

"N-no,n-no please don't k-kill me I'll g-ve the money back just g-give me a f-few more d-days" the man begged eyes going wide when a delicate gun was pressed neatly on his forehead fearing for his life he started begging more.

"Our boss wants you dead so...who am I to disobey him?"the guy explain laughing that sinister laughter that would have any humans shaking with fear,stumbling over their own words hiding behind closed doors and begging for their life...until he chocked on nothing gasping violently for air. turning to the other gang members who gave him a blank stare one of them was fed up with him so moving him away he shot the man that was still begging for his life more that six time in the head showing no mercy.

"you had one job V"one of the male declared glaring at the male now know as V who just shrugged smiling looking so innocent you wouldn't think that he's in a mafia gang.

"chim take care of this body"the male now know as chim nodded in obedience going to work imeadiatly." And make sure you leave no evidence-crack!!.they all turned to were the cracking sound was heard just to see a person standing in front of the alley looking at them."get him".one of the males command resulting in all the others to rush to the person.

Today was such a tiring day at work. always have to get up early just to come home late at night and not heaving a car yet was such a problem for me like its so late and i'm scared i mean you don't know what is out here waiting to feed on you eating your every piece of skin and drinking your blood till you dieeeeee!!.hah! I'm just kidding I ain't scared of anything infact I alway wanted something crazy to happen in my life something interesting but nope I'm stuck doing a lazy guy job for my entire life.

Knowing that I'll never have something interesting in my life I sigh walking away to get to my lonely home with not enough eyes went wide when I remembered I forgot to buy cereal what will I eat now..sighing I continued walking until i heard gunshots maybe 10feet away from me gasping I wanted to run but damn my mind kept telling me to go and check,go and check so I went I stood in front of the alley to see three man dressed in black two of them were bickering I guess and one of them was trying to move a dead body?....A DEAD BODY??O MY GOD I GOTTA RUN.turning to run away but accidentally stepping on something that made a cracking sound made me froze I looked behind me to see the guys looking at me"get him"I heard one of them commend well fuck could this day get any worst.

They ran up to me grabbing me-you are probably thinking why did he not run right?well maybe because working a whole day and walking for almost two fucking hours got me tired so what's the point of running so I just excepted my fate beside maybe this would be exiting who knows.

"Hey,hey,hey blud chill I ain't tryna run so why are you gripping my hand so tight?" I asked the one who was gripping me to hard who tf does bro think he is.

They both shared a look but i couldn't see their faces tho they had some mask on they both did some kind of hand gusture before dragging me to their car oh so I'm getting kidnap now well this day is getting worst.

They tossed me into their car locking me inside I was patiently waiting for them to come in but they weren't coming heh guess I have to wait.

None POV

"What are we gonna do?"V asked nervously tipping his feet on the ground something he usually does when he's nervous.

"we'll just kill him"chim said shrugging already pulling his gun out before getting stopped by the other male.

"Boss said we are not allowed to kill innocent people"

"So what do we do kook?let him go?" The male now know as kook run a hand trough his hair thinking about what to do they couldn't kill him cause he was innocent they couldn't let him go too he had witness a murder scene so he was left with only one option.

"We are taking him"


"I said we are taking him"

"Are you sur-

" yes,end of discussion"chim let out a frustrated sigh not liking the idea of bringing a stranger to their mansion but they didn't have any other option.
"Take care of the body and we are leaving".

"He's so Daddy right~" V whispered into jimin ear who cringe not really into Tae telling him that kook look daddy or whatever"shut up V let's go".


Ah finally my kidnappers are here they are so boring I seriously had to wait for them what am i Cinderella? They looked so serious what are they robots there was just two?were is the third one-oh here he is Mr blondie looking so frustrated. they started the car and my eyes lit up for no reason."hey are you guys really kidnapping me??"I asked but no responde I actually thought they would kill me but heh!."o m g I can't believe this..this is like a dream come know I always wanted to get kidnap you know like have a little whattpad adventure of my own but I never th-V and kook who was sitting in the front shared a look this was the first time they saw someone so excited to get kidnapped.

Kook made eye contact with chim signaling him to do what they usually do when they kidnap someone chim nodded in acknowledgement already knowing what to do.


"-so yea this is mean so much to me that you guys picked me-"I felt
Someone put a clothes on my noise I already knew what it was I have seen it many times in movies I tried not to give in not to breath but at the end of the day y'all know that I breathed it the last thing I remembered was dark feline eyes staring at me before I blacked out.

In Love With A Mafia BossWhere stories live. Discover now