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Loud voice echoed throughout the house caused by hoseok,he had lost his way to yoongis room not fallowing him close enough.he absentmindedly walked around the house greeting some bodyguards that were standing randomly at any corner of the house."good morning"he bowed to one of the bodyguards who didn't even spare a glance at him"can I ask you a question? "The bodyguard stayed quiet not showing any emotion.if he was allowed to show his emotions a big grimace would be all over his face cause the boy in front of him looked like he just came out of a food fight.

" how long have you been working here?"he got no answered,with a sigh he walked towards the male,standing in front of him he remarked"you don't have to be so stiff all the time you know sometime its not about the personality its about the attitude-hey!"facing his left he saw yoongi standing at the end of the hallway in front of a room with folded arms."oh hey I've been searching for you,why did you have to walk so fast huh?this house is so big that I litteraly got lost and couldn't find my way-can you like shutup?"yoongi rolled his eyes as hoseok dramatically gasped covering his mouth.he stormed to yoongi angryly ready to give him a piece of mind but yoongi beat him to it"get in"he huffed as yoongi opened his bedroom door wide open for him.he wanted to disobey but it was something about yoongi eyes that led him into the room.turning his head around observing the room he frown when he realised that the room wasn't dark as he expected.

"is this your..room?"yoongi humed.walking towards his drawer pulling some files out."like..you sleep in here?"yoongi humed again placing the files on his table."is it me or is it just not giving,like it's not giving mafia vibe this is giving depressed,workaholic CEO type shit"hoseok conceded as he walked further into the room.the Top in the room sigh feeling annoyed be the thunderous male in the room" don't touch that"yoongi warned as hoseok was about to touch one of his portraits."chill I wasn't gonna steal it or sum"with gritted theet he walked towards hoseok ready to give him a piece of mind to show him that he's in Agust D house,the boss the one that's ruling Korea the one that the government is afraid of and not some loser or ordinary person all the anger that was rushing trough his blood reduce as he took a good look at hoseok.he grimaced "can you go clean yourself up"even if they were killers they did everything neatly.they'll even kill you neatly. hoseok checked himself letting out a loud chuckle when he realised he had food crumbs all over him." Sorry Agust D'shii~ I'll be right back"before yoongi could say something hoseok was already out of the room,running to the other side of the house"what did these boys pickup from the street"yoongi whispered revearing to hoseok.he let out a frustrated sigh,walking to his chair he took a seat,deciding to wait for hoseok.

After about fifteen minutes hoseok found his way to yoongi room again,panting like he just ran a mile,he smiled as yoongi eyes met his trough his glasses."DAMN!! look at you!! You look like a professorrrrr~~,mattth me!!"hoseok bursted out acting like he got an heartatack"take a seat"hoseok rapidly nodded,with a sun shaming smile but needles to say,he didn't take a seat he got into yoongis bed making himself comfortable.yoongi took his eyes of off the files that were in his hands to stare at hoseok."come take a seat-but I'm comfortable here!!come here!"yoongi didn't remember the last time he argued with someone like this,he honestly didn't know why he didn't pierce a bullet trough hoseok skull yet.maybe he knew and he didn't want want to tell anyone or maybe he was just waiting for the right time.

"I don't get you guys,y'all very rude" hoseok wined,as he was making his way towards yoongi he almost knocked a glass vase down.yoongi sigh he knew that this wasn't going to end good"so Jung hoseok-yes Agust D'shii~".yoongi glared at him but needless to say hoseok just smiled,playing with one of the object that was laid on the table in front of him."sinds jungkook and-come be my teacher~~"hoseok smiled as yoongi vexed eyes met his.he really love how the catlikeman in front of him could easyly get irritated by his presence only."shutup-make me!".anyway I was saying sinds my members kidnap you without my permission-yooongi went on with his task comepleatly ignoring hoseok Doe curious eyes that was staring into his soul."you'll have to stay here until I figure out what to do with you,and if you disagree-i agree!!"yoongi gave hoseok a questioning gaze,he sat up adjusting his glasses so he could look hoseok in the eyes."why do you agree?,don't you wanna go home-no!!"if yoongi said he wasn't surprised by hoseok outburst he would be lying cause why the fuck was Jung hoseok not interesting to go home was he homeless or something...but the file says he lives in apartment...maybe I should just ask him why he doesn't want to leave.

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