Chapter One: The Divided

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It has been five years since that day.

It has been five years since I fell from the cliff.

Stallions of sea foam and warm currents saved me. They trod across the salty waves, delivering me safely to shore. I lay on the glistening, white sand, bathing in the silvery glow of Mother Moon.

No. It has been five years since I drowned. I was pulled from a boiling cavern, the lagoon water breaching my lungs and threatening my death. The boy of black was the one who saved me, not the Moon.

But I protected the shire, restoring light.

While I witnessed the corruption siege the land,.

Five years since I chose to depart Moonacre.

Five years since I was sent away, against my will.

Silence, you insolence spirit. 

You are not me.

Sunkissed Moonbeams: The DivideWhere stories live. Discover now