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Here I stand, immersed in the ethereal silver glow of the moonlight, my hair dancing in the gentle caress of the soft wind. The weight of the moon pearl necklace resting in my palm. I feel compelled to my knees and seek answers from the celestial being above.

Why, Mother Moon, was this task entrusted to me? Surely, there must have been another Princess in the line of succession, another heir destined to preserve her radiant light and safeguard us all.

I hurl the pearl necklace off the cliff once last time as the magic takes hold of their will, affixing the glimmering pearls to my bodice. I try aimlessly to remove the ghostly gems from the fabric, but a realization haunts my mind. A sacrifice.

Turning my gaze back to the gathered group behind, the people of the valley stand in fear, their eyes fixed on the large moon. Returning to the cliff's edge, I curl my toes over the rim, my leg shaking with anticipation. I watch the water thrashing against the rocks, waves spraying salty mist through the air. In this moment, a daunting choice looms before me.

Do I summon the courage to leap into the unknown, sacrificing myself to preserve the valley's illumination, or do I resign to the shadows, witnessing its gradual descent into darkness?

Before a decision is made, a mysterious force seizes control, and the enchanting wind propels me off my feet. I plummet towards the unforgiving expanse of the insidious ocean below. The moment I smash against the surface, the waves engulf me, and the weight of my decision pulls down on me. My throat fills with water, and my once nimble legs turn leaden, dragging me deeper into the abyss.

The ocean floor, adorned with soft sand, greets my soles. Desperation takes hold as I attempt to splash my arms, struggling against the relentless pull of the watery depths. In my frantic efforts, my gaze shifts to the pearls adorning my dress.

With a determined swipe, I attempt to free myself from the embellishments, watching as the last pearl relinquishes its hold and descends to join the ocean floor. Darkness closes in on the periphery of my vision, darkness overtaking my senses as I surrender to the depths, the echoes of my internal conflict silenced by the vast silence of the underwater realm.

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