Chapter 5~ First Date

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Reminder: This story is coming out of the top of my head and may get confusing when describing actions. I apologize for the confusion ahead of time.

LaRay woke up this morning, refreshed, for what reason? Well, she's going to be going on her very first date..with her very first No, she's not nervous, more like in embarrassed because she doesn't know what is going to go on and what is going to happen and she doesn't want to embarrassed herself. She's going to get to know Niall a little bit more so she looks forward to that. She sat up on her bed, moved Smile off her lap, waking him up, and threw her legs over the side. Smile had curled back into a ball and fell back asleep, LaRay walked into the living room, gathered all of Smile's toys and doggy bed, and placed them in the room. She put the toys in the corner and the doggy bed in front of her bed. She walked back out of the room and sat down at the island, basically being bored. She didn't feel like watching TV and she didn't feel like drawing so she just decided to put her head on the island countertop and be bored.

"What the hell are you doing?" She heard Harry ask her.

"Being bored."

"Why don't you watch TV?"

" Don't feel like it."

"Play on your phone."

"No." LaRay said pouting.

"Text Niall."

"He's probably sleep."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot he works as a bartender." Harry said walking into the kitchen, fixing himself and LaRay some cereal. "So, do you have any plans today?"

"Yes." LaRay said scooping up some cereal and taking a bite.

"Really? With Niall?"

"Yes. He's taking me out on a date later on today."

"Oh.That sounds nice." Harry said smirking and eating his cereal.

"Yeah, I'm a little bit embarrassed honestly."


"First date. Don't know what to do." LaRay said in an 'isn't it obvious' tone. "I don't wanna embarrass myself and I don't want him to embarrass himself trying to impress me."

"Oh, well, it's the first date so you're going to be embarrassed and nervous. Basically you guys are getting to know each other. Aren't you looking forward to that?" Harry said drinking the milk of his cereal. LaRay nodded her head, taking the last bite of her cereal and pushing the bowl away. She doesn't drink the milk. "Well, I have to get ready for my day. You're not the only one with plans today." Harry said grabbing LaRay's bowl and putting it in the sink with his.

"Ooooh, do you have a date to go on?"

"Yes, second first date. That's what it is." Harry grumbled.

"Second first date?" LaRay said confused. "What happened?"

"Well, I met this girl named Nadine and she's been trying to get with me for a while. Louis persuaded to go out with her at the party. So I talked to her and she's really nice. Yesterday when I got off from work, I called her, took her out, and the date went very well..." Harry trailed off.

"But...?" LaRay nudged for him to continue.

"She got jealous when these girls wanted to talk to me and threw a hot drink in their faces." He said scratching the back of his neck. LaRay snickered.

"Well, then. She is a girl but she didn't need to overreact." She said getting out of her seat and stretched her arms over her head.

"That's what I said!" Harry exclaimed with wide eyes and brows raised.

My Brother Loves Me than He Should {H.S.} (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now