XVI. The Same Old Things

Start from the beginning

More of the survivors have learnt to fight on their own, most of them keeping to themselves each day, whilst Rick reflects his daughter's emotionless state by the daily battle they lose. Finding a safe place for them to settle has been on top of their priorities, but with each house they find there is less food and eventually they have to run.

All of their eyes are strained on Carl when he manages to open the can of dog food. When Rick notices what Carl is about to eat, he storms over to his son and grabs the cans, angrily throwing it away as everyone silently watches the man who has grown colder and ruthless. Rick's actions demonstrate the harsh reality of their situation, where every bit of food is precious, but some things are simply not meant for human consumption. The group is forced to make tough decisions to ensure their survival, and sometimes, those decisions can be heart-wrenching.

Daryl keeps on plucking the feathers from the owl, preparing their supper and not paying attention to the scene. All of the sudden, T-Dog signals for them, Madeleine standing up from the floor and strolling over to the window, watching the herd approach the house.

She whistles at them, the group immediately grabbing their stuff and hurrying out of the back door, having grown used to the routine of finding a new place and running not long after. Most of them head inside the cars, whilst Madeleine gets on the back of Daryl's bike, the man riding away as they lead the way.

The constant need to stay on the move and the ever-present danger of being exposed to the walkers make their lives challenging and unpredictable. As they quickly escape from the approaching walkers, it becomes fresh on their mind the reminder of safety being a myth in the new world.

Time is running out.


The cars come to a stop in the middle of the road, the group exiting the cars and Maggie lays out a map on top of the car as they approach her. Rick indicates for Carl to keep an eye out for any walkers as Madeleine keeps her eyes strained on the open space, still paying attention to the conversation.

The group's vigilance in always being prepared for danger is evident as they stop and assess the situation, trying to lay out a new road they can take to someplace they can find any supplies.

Rick joins the group gathered around the map, his daughter gives him an acknowledging nod before they turn to face the map. Madeleine's eyes lock with Lori for a moment, the older women sat inside the car as the constant run is weighing heavily on her with each term.

T-Dog sighs, "We've got no place left to go."

Maggie points at the roads on the map, the markings they have drawn on it are clear to them that they have been going in circles all winter. "When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off, we'll never make it south."

Daryl leans his body against the car, "What do you say, it's about 150 head?"

"That was last week, could be twice that now." Glenn points out, his eyes filled with worry travel around each member of the group and he has lost any hope that they will be able to find any safety, like they had at the farm.

Hershel points at the road on the map, circling the river with his finger, "This river could have delayed them. If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right through this."

"Yeah, but if group A joins with that one, they could spill out this way." Madeleine argues, narrowing her eyes at the map as she looks for any potential back road they could take to avoid the herds. "So we're blocked unless we go back."

Rick nods, "Yeah, only thing to do is double back at 27th and swing towards Greenville."

"We picked through that already, it's like we spent the winter going in circles." T-Dog frustratedly snap back at the Grimes' with a shake of his head. "We have to find another way."

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now