"Quiet down!"

Reia jumped slightly. She turned, seeing Aizawa's hair floating upwards with his eyes burning a piercing red. After a few seconds, he blinked and turned back to his breakfast, a small scowl on his face as he downed another drink of his coffee. Reia suppressed the chuckle that threatened to come out. She wouldn't lie, it was a little funny to see Aizawa grumpy in the mornings.

The students did not share the same sentiment.

They all gulped nervously as they watched their teacher carefully. He did not acknowledge them. With a smile under her breath, Reia turned back to the students. She told them to ask her one at a time, and after some hesitation, they looked back to Reia with glimmers in their eyes.

They began to ask her a whole bunch of stuff ranging from how old she was to her family. She left that part unanswered. They continued to ask more about her; her favorite color, favorite food, her birthday, hobbies. Her job.

"So, what do you do for a living? You've never mentioned your work, or even went out to go to work."

"Well, I'm a plastic surgeon. I have my own practice and I occasionally work with other surgeons in the ER, but I mostly focus on my practice. Though, I haven't accepted any patients in a bit."

"Wait, but if that's true, aren't you worried that you're spending too much? You've spent so much money on buying groceries, buying us things, paying for bills. Aren't you going to run out?" Uraraka asked.

Reia only smiled gently before shaking her head. "Please, there's no need to worry about the money problems. Besides, I have a lot of savings and money from stocks. At this point, I should be able to retire already."

At her own thoughts, the woman's smile faded. Yeah. She had a lot of money now. From the savings, and from...her parents.

"So, do you have any boyfriends?" Mina excitedly asked.

Reia blinked out of her stupor, and after she realized what the girl had said, she laughed gently.

"No, no. No boyfriends."

"Wait, what?! But how?!" Hagakure followed.

"Now, we musn't pry into her love life! It is an invasion of privacy!"

"Oh come on Iida, stop ruining the fun! We're trying to get to know her, so of course asking about her love life is important!" Mina claimed.

"Wouldn't it be better to ask something like how her work is like or what kind of cases in her work she has encountered?"

"Dude...that's so boring," Sero commented.

"Yeah, I kinda agree," Jiro joined.

The class rep flinched, doubling over as if he'd been stabbed. Reia chortled in response.

Around 30 minutes had passed, and it seemed like the questions would never end. While Reia had avoided some of them, it didn't deter some of the students from trying to pry further. Though, she was a little surprised that Midoriya hadn't asked more than two questions since the whole thing started.

Just as Mineta was about to ask something (which Reia could see would definitely not be appropriate), the loud clink of a plate being placed on a drying rack caused the attention to fall to the sound. Aizawa wiped his hands on a towel, and when he turned to his students, he stared at them before speaking.

"Meet me outside on the lawn."

As the man opened the sliding door and walked out of the dining room, the students looked at each other in confusion, others with weary looks on their faces. With no further delay, the students put away their own plates then followed after their teacher. Reia rose an eyebrow.

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