PART 17: No matter what

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You woke up in a hospital room on bed hooked to an IV. Jin was standing over you.

Jin: How are you feeling? you fainted and they needed to get water in you.

YN: Kookie... Where is he, I want to see him.

You started getting out of bed and unhooking the IV but Jin stopped you before you did.

Jin: He is okay, out of the woods. You need to be okay too you know, for him.

YN: Tell me what the doctor said, is he awake?

Jin: He's out of the woods so now we're waiting for him to wake up. I'll take you to him when the drip is done.

You lay there thinking all sorts of things. You mostly hoped that Jungkook was okay. Didn't take long till the drip was finished. The nurse brought you a wheelchair and Jin took to to Jungkook's room.


when you got to the room, no one was there. Just Jungkook laying down with pipes coming out from his mouth. You were scared of the sight infront of you. You moved closer and held his hand. It was so warm and all you could think of is what could have happened if you hadn't told him to take the bike or just called him. He would still be here.

YN: Where is everyone?

JinThey went to the company. They have to hold a press conference to inform army. I had to stay behind, we couldn't leave him alone.

YN: I'm sorry Jin, this is all my fault.

Jin: This is no one's fault. It was an accident. He will be fine soon, he's a fighter.

You stayed by Jungkook's side for three hours just looking at him and thinking and occasionally shedding some tears. It was so quite until the boys came back.

Tae: What is she doing here?

jimin: Tae stop.

Tae:It's all her fault.

Jimin: Tae, it was an accident. This is no one's fault.

Tae: Like you would know, you're probably happy that he's unconscious and now you can get the girl you love.

With that, Jimin punched Tae on his face so hard that he landed on the floor. The boys started throwing punches at each other until the older guys stopped them.

Yoongi: Don't you have Manners, this is a hospital.

RM: If you want to fight go outside. Not in here.

Tae: Hyung, it's all her fault. And you guys could have stopped him form taking the motorcycle. But no... You even encouraged him to change his clothes. You are all to blame.

Jhope: Shut up!!! As if you were not sitting there. You are also his hyung. You could have stopped him too. Don't act all saint here.

Jhope was so angry that everyone else became quiet. It was not like him to get this mad. You blamed yourself for the accident and now the fight between the boys.

YN: I'm sorry guys, you shouldn't fight . This is solely on me. I'll leave. I'm sorry.

With that, you went out and headed back to the room you were in.


A week had passed and Jungkook was still unconscious. You hadn't been home and had used the showers at the hospital to freshen up and a few clothes Jimin had brought for you. You stayed beside Jungkook most times except when Tae was around then you stood outside his door. You took care of his hygiene like wiping him down with a wet towel, cutting his nails and trimming his hair. Other than Tae,the other guys didn't get in your way as you did that. They felt so sorry for you.

YOU ARE MY KITTEN... MINE.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora