mirrors | chapter 19

Start from the beginning

"Wait, who?" Sasha gave a confused look as she looked between the rest of the girls, all of them shrugging before they looked to Annie and back to you, your eyes swelling with tears again. "I'm so fucking stupid." You choked out.

"Connie." Annie sighed.

"Constance?!" Sasha gasped. "What about Jean?" She looked back to you with a panicked expression, only furthering the ache in your gut, your hand reaching around your lower stomach to hug yourself. "We..." you felt your throat swell and your eyes grow watery as you shook your head.

Hitch frowned, walking over to you as she slowly took your hand. "Let's just sit down, relax, and you can tell us what happened, if you're comfortable, of course." She said softly, walking you to the recliner instead of the couch. You nodded, sitting down onto the chair before bringing your feet up, balling yourself up in a saddened and anxious manner.

And it all spilled out.

Not easily and it took multiple breakdowns to get the words out but you eventually managed to spill the entire story, leaving all of your friends pretty shocked to say the least.

"First off, it's technically not cheating if you're not together anymore but also technically you guys weren't together in the first place." Hitch tried to reason, but she knew it wasn't right in the first place and so did you. You frowned, eyes averting to the floor as you peeled more skin from your lip. "It doesn't make it right." You whispered.

"I know." Hitch frowned.

"Maybe just don't tell Jean?" Sasha gave a half smile, but you just shook your head in return. "Sasha, I garuntee Connie already told him." You looked over to her, the saddened look deep in your eyes making your heart shatter.

But you were right.

Because Connie currently paced Jean's apartment, nervous that he was about to get thrown out of his window and down to the concrete to die.

"What do we need to talk about?" Jean blankly stared at Connie, knowing what he wanted to say wasn't any good. Connie picked at his lip, his nerves at an all time high as he thought about how to say what he wanted to, but Jean felt like shit and was growing impatient with his friend. "Dude, I don't have all day, I have shit I gotta deal with." He glared, his leg bouncing in anticipation, arms crossed as he leaned against the back of his couch.

Connie took a deep breath, turning to Jean. "Look, it's my fault." He started, Jean just growing more confused. "Spit it out." He frowned.

"I can't." Connie shook his head which only made Jean grow more agitated. "Dude-" "Okay!" And then Connie spoke. "We were really drunk, like really really drunk, and she was emotional and vulnerable and I took advantage of that and it was wrong and a mistake-" Connie spewed out his words and Jean's mind went to the worst case scenario. "Are you trying to tell me you fucked y/n?" Jean stood from the couch, stepping towards Connie who instantly cowered down, backing away. "No no no." He frantically shook his head. "We just kissed." He replied.

Jean felt everything in his being collapse, his heart, his gut, and his mind felt as if it were being crushed. Sure, he knew he was in the wrong for what he did too, and he knew you had split- which in a way made it not wrong- but he couldn't help but feel so betrayed by not only you but by Connie. "Just kissed? Like you "just kissed" my ex?" Jean felt his jaw tighten, his cold gaze scaring Connie to no end as he spoke with panic. "Look, it was intimate, like super intimate, and I'm sorry because it was my fault-" "That doesn't make it any fucking better." Jean's fists clenched by his side. "I wanna know every fucking detail."

"Look..." Connie coward further away until his back hit the wall, another deep breath escaping his lips as he avoided eye contact with Jean, attempting to remember every little thing. "I was drunk, she was too, we both barely remember it." He looked back to Jean, hoping he would calm down. "We were just sitting there and I started to get flirty and I hinted it and then she climbed onto me and it just happened."

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