Being useful 2

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Baliyo and Aria are sitting next to the pond

Baliyo- There has to be something to help your leg

Aria- Makkini and Nirmala Did everything "Sigh" My leg is stuck like this

Baliyo frowned. The bushes started to rustle then a brown small lion came out.

Marcel- Baliyoooooooo wanna go hunting with me and my dad?

Baliyo- Not now Marcel Mabye later?

Kion comes out of the bushes

Marcel- *Smirks* Alright have fun with your lover then.

Kion- Not funny Marcel. And don't worry Aria There are many ways you could be useful. did you try hunting?

Aria- No, it's no use i can't even run fast nor have the balance

Marcel- It's not bad to try

Kion- How about you come hunting with us? It might help

Aria- Okay I guess I can try

Baliyo- I'll come to

Meanwhile with Neha

She was helping Makikini with Getting herbs and plants

Neha- Here you go, I searched all over for these

Makkini- That's great! That's all for today, thanks for your help.

Neha- no problem

Neha turned around to leave but Amari was standing right behind her

Amrari- you done? Great! because I have to show you something That you will not believe!

Amari Goes to the lake

Amari- Since Aria can't hunt or fight, She can catch Fish!  

Neha- Your right! When she comes back we can tell her

Aria- Tell me what?

Aria and the others came back from hunting

Amari- Since it is hard for you to catch prey you can learn how to catch fish instead!

Marcel- It will be easier for her I guess since she failed miserably with her hunting

Aria-Your sure... what if I mess up

Baliyo- Nuged her with his nose, You won't don't worry

Amari- Yeah I'll Teach you!

Aria- thanks guys

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