The revenge

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Morris- That loin. I will get my revenge

Tula - Okay boss what's the plan

Tula is one of Morris's strongest Tigress

Morris- act like your hurt and need help they won't notice you because you wasn't in last time fight, and then try to kill the queen or if it's to hard try targeting the night pride or the other one, and once they are weak and tired I will bring the rest of us,

Morris- Then I can can rule the tree and find my daughter.

Tula- Yes sir,got it

Tula enters the tree of life acting like her paw is hurt, she was greeted by 4 lions two males and two females
One was a light cream color and the rest where this beautiful brown

Nirmala- Hello it looks like your hurt,

Tula-Yes is it okay if I can speak to the queen,

Balyio - Nirmala I don't think it's safe not let an tiger in, remember what happened last time,

Aria- I'm sure the queen will let you stay come on let's get you there

The night pride lead Tula to the queen to see if it's okay to stay

Rani- hello you must be The tiger

Tula- hello your magisty I'm tula and I'm here because, this black tiger attack and killed my cubs.

Tula lied.

Kion- he's the same Tiger that tried get into throw the passway

Rani- don't worry and I'm sorry for your losses they completed their journey,

Rani- but now let's check out your cuts

Nirmala looks for cuts and brushes there was a lot that was made on purpose.

Nirmala- there's a lot of mark it looks like tiger marks two, it will take a few days to heal but your be fine

Rani- you can stay here and get some rest

Tula- thank you, my queen

This was an opportunity for tula to prove she's worthy to Morris

Meanwhile balyio went to see Aria he has a big crush on her

Aria- Oh, Hey balyio do you want to hangout with me , it's boring to be alone all day

Balyio- sure thing I'm glad you took Rani's place, cause now I have someone on the team my age!

Aria- Oh thank you Aria said while blushing

Meanwhile it was time for Kion and his guard to patrol so it was just her and the queen

Tula slowly got up and slowly walked up to the queen  she lifted up her her left front paw and a
Was about to kill her but then a mandrill came out of nowhere

Makini- Uh, Hi you  must be Tula nice to meet you, my I ask what where you doing a few seconds ago

Tula- oh uh, me, I was just trying to get a bug it was about to bite her? She said while moving away from Rani

Makini- Ohh, Yeah you don't the queen to have an annoying bug bite, that was so kind of you.

Tula- oh yes I love being kind heh heh

Rani- Yawns, oh well I see you made a new friend Tula this is makini our royal magusi , she's going to help heal you, but know I'm Going to to take a walk.

Tula-  oh of course go ahead,

Meanwhile Kion and his team are patrolling

Ullu- Guys Guys, The black tiger is back again

Tula heard Ullu she knows she failed

Kion- Okay Lead us

Ullu Lead the guard to the mountain pass

Well look who it is  Kion

Kion- How did you know my name ?

Morris- I know a lot of things, I know that you're queen is dead

Kion- What!

Rani- You mean me?

Morris- what Tula failed, aaaarrrg

Rani- Tula I new there was something wong about Her

Tula comes down and stands next to Morris

Morris- Alright Gang let's go,Tula where gonna have to talk

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