The tree House

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Neha and her Little brother Marcel Was playing tag but he they found a large African boabab tree
It was big enough for a Hippo can go in
They entered and was amazed of how big it was

Marcel - wowa this place is Huge!

Neha- this can a perfect tree house for us and our friends to hangout at!

They both ran towards they friends where they where talking

Zach- Hey guys what are u guys doing in such a hurry ?

Zach is Fulis and Azards son

Amari- Hey guys

Amari is a young Female Tiger with dark red fur and dark blue eyes

Neha- we found this this large Baobab Tree me and Marcel thought of making it a a hangout place

Zach- Awesome show us!

They all followed Neha , and when they got there there where two birds they names are Kofi and Ade
Kofie is a brown pigeon and Ade is a blue parrot

Kofi- Hey this our Hangout now

Ade- yeah you're gonna have to find another one

Marcel - Yeah but we where here first go somewhere else, Prince orders

Neha- augh come on guys just leave, we don't want to make this hard

Ade- , we will leave , But, u have to give us something in return.

Zach- fine what is it?

Kofie- You guys have to give us each 100 Bugs.

Amari- Nuhuh there is no way I'm going to do that.

Ade- Well then say goodbye to your precious Tree house, Hahahahahaha.

Zach- Why can't we just kill them

Neha- we can't we have to respect the circle of life Duh.

Marcel- Come on guys let's just do what they want , besides it's no that hard finding bugs!

Zach- true okay let's go

They all went to find some bugs at a small little pond

Amari- eww I think I found one, well a lot. Amari says while lifting up a rock

Neha- that's great! Guys let's look under rocks they have more bugs under them.

Bunga- Did you say BUGS!

Zach- uhh yes ?

Marcel-Hey bunga we need help finding some bugs for we can get Our tree house back!

Bunga- well u called the right guy. Bunga- says while eating a worm

Amari- yeah but you can't eat it plus we need 200 of them

Bunga- Follow me I know where to find lots of them

They followed bunga to a place full of trees

Neha- Woah this is a lot of bugs

Amari- yes a lot eww

Zach- Let's get the bugs and go

They all started collecting them and when they had enough then went back to Kofi and Ade

Marcel - Here are your bugs now give us our tree house back

Ade-Okay but-

Neha- What now we gave you bugs no what ugh

Ade- But I have to count them duh

Amari - Ughhhh

Ade counted for like 20 minutes

Ade- 198, 199  your missing one more

Amari- there's one on the ground Now give us our tree House Ugh

Ade- Fine come on Kofi let's get out of here


Neha- now let's make this place like home

Neha and her friends finished the tree House and it's now there hangout spot

|Lion Guard |The Tree Of Life |Nehas Legacy|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora