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This is more of Tula I'm just building up her backstory

the sun was starting to rise Tula woke up surrounded by soft grass and thick bushes. She heard a rustle in one of the bushes, She stood up ready to pounce until, it leaped right at her. it pind her down easily 

Tula- Let go! i come in peace

as it let go she saw a brown buff-looking tiger

???- What brings you here?

Tula- i -i dont know i just ran away from my old home- i- i just can't stand it there

???- for real ? Me too!

Tula - Oh 

???- I just came here actually,like a month ago or something

Kamau- anyway, my name is Kamau, your?

Tula- mines Tula, I never actually met another tiger that's so... Friendly.

Kamau- well I am, i just tried to act wise and mysterious sometimes heh, he said while walking into bushes, signaling for her to follow

Kamau- anyway it seems you don't have anywhere to stay so I'm just going to assume you want to stay with me. ,   don't worry I have the most comfortable spots.

he spent the day showing her all of the best places

Tula was getting conftable inside a den that she was sharing with Kamau

Kamau- did you have fun ?

Tula- Yes especially when we rode that log down the river!  You're so smart to think of that

Kamau- Thanks! well, I sorta found that out by accident.... But why should that matter! i have a friend now

Tula- Friend? She said in shock

Kamau- Yeah? what you never had one before?

Tula- Oh yes i did his name is Morris we grew up together but he-

Kamau- He what- What happened? Did he die?

Tula- no no hes just changed..... a lot

Kamau- Oh ok so how about your parents Don't you miss them after leaving?

Tula- oh.... they aren't here anymore 

Kamau- Oh sorry... do you wanna... talk about it? It's fine if you don't want

Tula- no it's fine. they died when I was a cub not young actually rocks collapsed on my father.

 Tula- I and my mother were devastated, he was a big part of my life he always made me happy and made everything joyful. 

Tula-Her green eyes began to water then she continued and my mother died saving me from snakes.I blame her death on me for being so brainless going in there, I'll never forgive myself for that.

Kamau- I'm so sorry that happened

Tula begins to cry and Kamau comforts her 

Kamau- i didnt like my parents they never cared about me or my siblings, so we ran away

Kamau- we were just cubs so my brother didn't make it ...... my sister ran leaving me by myself

His orange eyes began to tear up. Both of then comfort each other

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