Chapter II - From a Ride to a New Realm

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Las Vegas, United States

Jo strolled through the streets, barely listening to her sidekick, when it came to troubles, babbling. The weather was quite warm for a middle November night so she was holding the jacket she saved for later instead of wearing it, knowing it would be a long night. After all, they planned to go back to the children's home just before dawn, so they would be in time for breakfast. At seventeen, she spent most of the time fleeing the building, with their emotionless walls and their rowdy kids. She was not the calmest person ever, she was a lunatic, and her mood often swung like the wind would blow in any direction without any warning. As for the reason she was in a children's home?

She did not remember anything from her life before her entrance into the institute. She tried to search in her memory but nothing big had come yet. Just blurry pictures. She knew two things.

Her name was Johanna Levan and her family died when she was seven. But she had no idea how or where they died. Some flashes showed what she estimated being her father smiling at her with a sad look. He had the same azure-colored eyes popping from their socket, the same raven-black hair floating magically, the same upturned nose as her. In the background, she could hear shot sounds, cries, and some male grunts behind him. And that was all. She should have been grieved by the loss but confusion was the first feeling which came to mind. She was sure that something serious happened back then but she was missing it. She shared that problem with Liam, her companion. This was how they bonded together, despite their age gap, having no remaining family, no memories, and no home. Just loneliness which quickly moved into restlessness. She was the one who initiated it and he followed her, not very convinced at first but becoming more and more enthusiastic with time. The other children and adults in the house found them awkward and did not want to spend too much time with them but she did not care. They had each other to rely on.

They arrived in front of the rollercoaster, Liam leaped excitedly, his white hair moving up and down with each footstep. Jo has never seen someone with such white hair like Liam's. They were not like the dull white or grey of the elders. they were warmer, almost glowing as if they were producing their own light. His pale eyes were doing exactly the same, shining, and everything about him shouted brightness, even the beige coat he was already wearing. He was peculiar. They both were peculiar, in their own kind.

Since it was late and the amusement ride was about to close, there was no one in the line. The Big Apple Coaster. Jo's body was already looping at the exhilaration but also something new. Her heart beat faster and her brain drifted into a foggy euphoria. Chills ran down her spine. There was something radiating from the place, something triggering her to feel some familiarity. She felt at home. She fiddled with her pendant, a small stone in the exact same color as her eyes, sculpted in a dart shape. She always had the jewelry, as much as she could remember. Each time she felt lost or alone, she could not help but play with it. It was her twitch. Before they climbed the wagon, she gave a slight smile to Liam, who returned it, hungry for the adventure. The railcar was yellow, looking like a long New York taxi. Knowing they could choose any seat because of the lack of people, they went to the back ones, to feel more of the pull effect, which delivered more sensations. Before seating, she put her jacket on, in anticipation of the air coming with the ride. The safety guy checked their chest belt before launching the coaster. The railcar left the station, starting its journey with a series of turns before climbing. The wait to reach the top was long. The wind was slowly blowing more as they gained altitude. On their left, a few false buildings, including the Empire State Building, towered. Her heart beat even faster. She had no clue why she was feeling that blissful but she wanted to find out. The view of the motorways with hundreds of cars crawling because of the traffic welcomed them at the top of the uphill climb, then came the fall.

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