Vol 3: Chap 1 : Far into the future

Start from the beginning

Can I change? Can the demon of 4th gen really change?

The me a year before would have answered 'no'. No matter the circumstances, I will always aim towards victory. It's just different form of victory for different cases.

If there is an apocalypse, my survival will be my first priority. I will sacrifice people in an heart beat for that sake.

If it was a secret facility where you have to kill your fellow lab rats to survive, I will do it without remorse.

If it was a school where you have to destroy other people's lives to get my freedom of 3 years, I will win.

This is true no matter what; no matter who. But right now, I am unable to answer 'no' with the same confidence as before.

Matsuo's word echoed through my ears.

"Kiyone-sama, embracing a life lived for others adds a richness to our existence that surpasses the narrow pursuit of victory.

As Socrates once said, 'The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.' It's about authenticity, my dear, finding fulfillment in the genuine connections we forge."

"But Matsuo, things like honour and fulfillments are subjective. For me, they are unnecessary." I argued.

"*Sigh*. Kiyone-sama, it's not being necessary or unnecessary. It's about the memories"

I tilted my head slightly indicating my confusion.

"We are truly dead when we are forgotten. Leave a legacy behind kiyone-sama. A story of your writing. For such a story, you need to experience all the beautiful things this world's has to offer.

You may have witnessed all the darkness, but you have never seen the other side of the coin. The beauty in irregularities,

the beauty in nature,

the beauty in friendship, the beauty in emotions, Anger, Resentment, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Contentment, Joy, Gratitude, Compassion, Connections

And finally


Love yourself. Love others. There's a beauty in selflessness. I guarantee you will understand what I mean when the time comes." Matsuo's smile blinded my eyes.

His words were corny, like from some movie I watched recently. He is right in the aspect that I am avoiding certain things without experiencing them first hand. I deem them unworthy without experiencing them myself.

Love huh...

"-iyone, respond to me." Chiaki called out to me from afar.

"Hmm?? What happened chiaki? Why are you panicking?" I let out a confused hum.

"What happened to you?, you zoned out for a couple of minutes. The class is in a frenzy; you said that you're stepping down from the position of leadership"

I didn't answer her. The room blurred. My gaze turned distant, I let my thoughts flow freely, getting lost in them.

The sounds of arguments and shouting became distant echoes, fading into the background.

Chiaki, with a genuine worry etched across her delicate features, approached me. Even her footsteps were soft, like the gentle murmur of a stream.

Chiaki was confused by my silence. Her nervousness multiplied. With a soft touch, Chiaki reached for my shoulder. Her fingers, were warm.

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