"But you are grown-ups."

I shrug. "Which law states that grown ups can't do that?" His eyes dart around the room. "Do what makes you happy."

I pick out a pair of grey sweatpants and a black shirt. I also pull out black hoodie. "Here. These will keep you warm till the soup is done. Will you take a quick shower or a bath?"

He takes them. "Thank you. Neither. I'm already cold as I am. No way I'm going to get myself wet." Silence dawn's. I watch him closely. His gave is averted from mine. I wish to ask me to look at me. To hold my gaze for even a second that I may get lost in those dreamy eyes of his. Not now though so I push the thought away.

He speaks. "I...I'll go change in the bathroom."

Not that I have never seen him naked before. Once at the club while he was sceneing. Damn he looked hot.

"No need. I'll be in the kitchen." I pull out a pair of fuzzy socks and hand them to him before leaving the room. I locked the door to ensure he was most comfortable.

I made my way down the stairs picturing him changing. How he would slide out of the wet clothes. Him drying himself with the towel,wait. Did I give him a towel? I head back.

I knock twice and he opens up. He was in the hoddie already but the pants were not on.

"Sorry. I came to check if I had handed you the towels."

"I took them out of the bathroom,hope that's okay."

"It is." It will be your bathroom too soon enough. So why not.

"You look good in that. If it was not cold them I'd love seeing your legs. No...I did not mean that in a sexual way. It's just that...I'm going to stop talking. I'll be in  the kitchen." I lock the door before he replies.

I hurry down to the kitchen to prepare something for him.

My kitchen was simple. The cabinets were all marble green. The tops were grey. The table was set in the middle so that Amandla would keep an eye on the kid if she was snacking while she was cooking. Yes,she loved her mother more than any of us.

I took the vegetables out of the fridge and the spices from the cabinet.

"What's cooking?" His voice came from behind me.

"Something to keep you warm." I reply without turning to face him.

"The scent of sage,it's...cozy."

"Everything in here is cozy."

"I like it."

"You can move in." He goes quiet. I chuckle and turn to him. "I like my clothes on you,they look...cute."

He clears his throat. "You always look good in what you wear." He stated moving on to the seat.

I wait for him to make himself comfortable. He looks at me. "Have you been checking me out?" I tease him.

"Wha– what? No. Not at all."

"It's okay. You are allowed to. Just as you are allowed lots of things you think you are not."

His eyes meets mine for a few seconds. He looks at the fruits on the table as he contemplated picking one. I wait for him to talk but he does not. 

We still had a long way to go.

I poured in the broth and covered it.

"Can I have some coffee?"

"No babe. You are not having coffee right now."

Dominant Needs A DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now