Chapter 7: Shot Up!

Start from the beginning

Tatsumi: Sayo got ya good!

Ieyasu: Take that, Mine!

Mine: You bitch!

Sayo: You're the bitch!

The two girls fight hands on but Jin blocks the boys.

Jin: I may not understand you humans, but I've known from enough of seeing humans fighting that cat fights aren't something you should come across.

Jun: Mine! Sayo! (Light Heal!) Stop-

Suddenly, Ieyasu plugs Jun's mouth and calls Lubbock over. Since they both had an obsession with women, they started to get along well.

Ieyasu: (If he steps in, he'll purge them of rage or something!) Lubbock! You gotta see this!

Lubbock: Oh my god! *whisper* We can use these bracelets and record!

Ieyasu: Heck yeah we can!

Jun: Guys, you'll get beat up if you do. I don't even need a vision for that.

Jin and Tatsumi: Yeah.

They do that and Sayo and Mine don't realize until too late.

Sayo: Are Ieyasu and Lubbock recording this?

Mine: I think they are! Must be why they're aiming their bracelets at us!

Sato: Wanna beat them up?

Mine: Yep. Something to agree on.

Jun, Jin, Tatsumi: We warned ya.

The two perverts were fearing for their lives as the 3 boys leave them to their fate.


After Lubbock and Ieyasu got beaten, Jun sort of healed Ieyasu as the group of 5 and Akame and Mine go out to "train". The boys and Akame however needed hoods to draw attention away from their Halfbreed Blood and Akame's status as a criminal.

Akame: Come on guys.

Mine: Perverts! Move up! Can't have my servants being slow!

Sayo: And we can't have our teacher be an entitled jerk.

Jun: Hold up, Najenda said we're your trainees.

Mine: Nah, I'm pretty sure she said servants.

Jin: And I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to have godlike powers and teach some spoiled brat a lesson but we can't-

Mine: OK OK! You can slow down a bit.

The group cheer as Mine seethes at the black haired wolf boy and Akame gets closer to Tatsumi. But Tatsumi notices something weird around him.

Tatsumi: Boss said you knew a lot about this place, right?

Mine: Yeah, what's it to ya?

Ieyasu: Everyone seems uh, gloomy.

Sayo: Nothing like what we envisioned it to be.

Mine: Everyone's in fear of government and the economy sucks. Most people are rock bottom or headed there anyway.

Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now