🐺Loona (Husky-wolf hybrid)📱

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○ Loona is a husky-wolf hybrid with red eyes and a bit of her right ear missing. She was illegally bred and brought to the shelter after the people got busted. You never met Loona before the adoption because you worked more with the reptiles and birds.

○ The trust process was quite a bumpy road. From trying to bite you if you got to close, to growling everytime you try to get her leash on when you go out for walks.

○ When on walks she would walk behind you to make sure you didn't try anything. Sometimes Blitzø would tag along and ride on your shoulder while watching over Loona. (He growls and hisses if another dog gets too close)

○ I would be lying if I said you didn't get bit at least two times and a whole bunch of scratches

○ Blitzø would hiss if Loona got too mean towards you, but would just get batted away by the bigger animal

○ Vet trips were the hardest, as it was a lot of shots to get her caught up on vaccines. You and the vet had to wear gloves and sleeves to avoid getting bit.

○ Sometimes you would try to play with her like fetch or rolling a ball, but she would just give you a deadpan stare before turning around and going back to sleep.

○ As a peace offering you got her a chewy phone toy. At first Loona wanted nothing to do with it, but soon warmed up and will use it as a small pillow or cuddle toy.

○ At some point you just stopped trying to bond. Not like giving up, but you just gave her some space. Only being with her for walks and bathroom breaks. Other than that you just did what you would normally do around the house.

○ The lack if attention didn't go unnoticed

○ One day after having a stressful work day you were sitting at the kitchen table head down, tried from work, annoyed with Paige, and sad.

Soon you felt a weight on your lap and saw a leash and Loona looking up at you waiting. Grabbing the lease you attach it to her collar before getting up to take her on a walk. Blitzø was fast asleep under his heating lamp so it was just the two of you.

It was nice you just being able to clear your mind and having Loona try to cheer you up. Once and awhile she would hit your leg as a sign to pet her head.

○ After that day the bond between you two slowly started to grow. She stopped growling when you get ready for walks, to joining you and Blitzø on the couch when you watch MLP (though she's not a huge fan of the show and just cuddles with her plushie phone while keeping a distance)

○ You got her a collar with small spikes and a tag with a pentagram on the front and her name on the back. Though she'd never admit it she loves it and you could tell by the way her tail waged.

○ Sure there were times she would get moody and not want anything to do with you or Blitzø, but if you respect that and gave her the space she needs then your good. (Which causes her to warm up to you more)

○ Tsuender. This girl is grateful after you saved her, and the fact you were patient, but like hell she would show you that up front.

○ The most affection on a daily would be her just sitting in the same room as you, or her walking next to you instead of behind. Unless she's having a bad day in which case she'll cuddle with you on the couch or stand between your legs when your cooking.

○ Vet trips are hard. Not as hard as when you first got her and she had to get all the shots, but after that she doesn't trust the vet even if it's just a normal check up.

○ Shots are a different story. Since she was going to be put down she now has a fear of needles, and because of that getting shots are the hardest part of taking care of her. 

During check up Loona would stand in between your legs looking around at the other animals and glancing at the door. Sitting down she immediately hides under the chair nexted to you. "Hey, don't worry Loony Toons it's going to be quick prick and that's it," you say trying to reassure the poor hound. It seemed to work a bit until the door opened and a dog walked out with a cone and the young secretary called you back.

During the shot you and the doctor had to case Loona around the whole room. Some point you got on top of her and held her down as the doctor gave her a shot. She was pissed biting both you and the doctor. Thrashing around when you both tried to put the cone on her head.

Leaving the office Loona had a cone over her head and you had a bandage on your arm. The drive home was quite and so was the walk to the apartment. Man did Loona feel ashamed for biting you, but once the door closed you bent down and patted her head giving her a "good job".

Getting back up you head to the couch and just lay down. Blitzø dropping down onto your face and curling around before falling asleep. Walking over Loona grabs her phone plush, before getting on the couch and laying down on your legs. All three of you asleep.

○ Loona is a guard dog. That's why you got her due to the rise of robberies around your neighborhood. She's good at it too, since no one wants to mess with a wolf size dog and the fact she does not take anyone's BS. Though if there is no threat around she can get pretty lazy (only after she warms up to you both)

○ Luckily you haven't had any break-ins yet, but she's still protective. If you have a friend, or friends, then she will walk around with you and stay between your legs incase anyone tried anything. Barks at the doorbell, especially the poor mailman/Uber eats (she does quite down once you show up to handle it, but will still growl). Walks are pretty chill since she can actually see you and can tell weather your uncomfortable or not. Dog parks are out of the question after Loona bite some grey poodle. You then had to pay for the vet and are now banned from that place.

○ Blitzø does see himself like a dad to her. You can tell from how he checks in on her and trys to pet her head like you do. Though she won't admit it she also cares for him, she just has a harder time showing affection to him unlike you.

○ After a month of living with you and Blitzø she fully warms up. Still won't show affection, but she does care about you two.

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