Chapter 21

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As for Kaiser, he loves to collect sports cars and Lamborghinis. What about you?' Vincent raised his eyebrow at me. He looked as if he was entertained by my weird behaviour. 'I'm more of a Rolls Royce person.' He picked up his speed as he pressed harder on the accelerator, his legs slightly spread apart as he turned the car around. I couldn't help but throw glances at him. "Checking me out, are we?" Vincent said as he still keeps his eyes on the road, I scoffed at his words "Not at all!". Vincent chuckled as he parks his car near my apartment. "Thanks" I said awkwardly as I hopped off his car and waved goodbye at him.

I knew I had to get into my apartment and pay my overdue bills. But just as I was about to cross the road to reach the apartment, I heard a ball being bounced, which immediately grabbed my attention and complete focus. I turned around to see a basketball court. A tall boy wearing a plain white jersey with long black pants was positioned in my view, playing by himself. He seemed to have black hair with blonde highlights at the ends. To be honest, he looked familiar. Even though he was alone, the boy seemed to be enjoying himself. Right after making a shot, he went into a resting position, pulling up his white jersey to wipe the accumulating sweat from his face, which I couldn't see clearly from my angle. Just as he did this, a bit of his perfect body revealed itself, and I couldn't help but blush at the sight. If I could, I would have salivated, were it not for all the people around me.

"Charlotte, chill. You're in public; have some self-respect," Nevertheless, I continued walking toward my intended destination, my eyes still fixed on the captivating sight before me. Unaware, I didn't notice a large tree perfectly placed in my path until I smacked my head against it. It was only then that I paid attention to the tree, unintentionally catching the man's gaze without even realizing it. The boy called out to me in a deep, booming voice. He dropped his basketball immediately and made his way down from the basketball court to the pathway where I was standing. "Hey, excuse me, are you alright?"

I didn't immediately answer the stranger. Instead, I let out a small groan while patting and rubbing my hand against my forehead with my back facing the boy. His voice jolted me back to reality. We stood there, with me hiding behind my wavy brunette hair as I looked at him. The whole picture of this man was now visible, and my eyes could only waver as they grew in surprise. "Charlotte?"

I quickly turned my head to face him, studying his sweaty face as my lips struggled to remain still. "Kai...ser?" Our gazes didn't waver for a second; my head tilted upward while his eyes traced every curve of mine. His lips were slightly parted, revealing one of his blunt fangs, and his grey eyes were brimming with life as the breeze heightened our mood. Swiftly, I averted my gaze from him, retrieving a towel from my purse. I handed it to him, feigning innocence, my cheeks flushed from the captivating sight before me. "Oh? Thank you, Charlotte," he said, his eyes softening as he gently accepted the towel. He then turned his attention to the blue sky, wiping himself without noticing my continued watchfulness, my eyes sparkling with admiration. Finally, he shifted his gaze from the sky to me, his grey eyes tugging at my heartstrings. "What...?" I rapidly moved my head from side to side. "N-nothing. Do you still play basketball?" Kaiser grinned with his usual cocky smile. "It's the only thing that drives me apart from soccer, after I lost the most precious thing in my life." My gaze hit the floor with a sad expression, the grip on my purse clenched tighter as my voice began to shake. "By the way, what happened that made you run from the gym?" Kaiser's lips were not visible as he sucked them in, probably trying to recall the events. "Ah, that. I heard my mom got into a car accident. Luckily, she had no major injuries, but I could tell that the mafia guy had something to do with it." I nodded my head. "Yeah, that sounds like something a mafia would do." Kaiser let out a soft laugh. "And how the heck did you manage to be acquainted with a mafia? I knew you were crazy, but you always seem to surprise me." I brought my hands closer towards my cheeks as I balled them up. "Ehhh? What's that supposed to mean? I'm not crazy. I just happened to meet him while I was walking around his neighbourhood. Unbelievable, but it's the truth." Kaiser returned a smirk as he spoke. "I know, you would never lie to me. "My eyes dropped as I forced a fake smile onto my face. 'So... no girlfriend yet?' I asked cautiously. Kaiser looked at me with a shocked expression before he lowered his gaze and replied, 'Have you seen my girlfriend?' It was surprising to hear that Kaiser had a girlfriend, especially since Elizabeth keeps such close tabs on him. How could he have a girlfriend without us noticing anything? I attempted to wear the coldest expression I could muster, but it was probably evident that I was pretending. 'No,' I replied flatly. Kaiser sighed and shifted his gaze to the ground. 'Me neither.' He then forced his eyes to meet mine, a smug expression slowly morphing into a cocky smile on his face. Kaiser draped a towel behind his neck, ran a hand through his hair, and looked at me awkwardly. 'Charlotte, you should know that I won't settle for anyone else but you.' His words stirred my heart, but I couldn't allow myself to be hurt again, not after what he had done to me. I couldn't let history repeat itself. 'Kaiser, you know I don't want history to repeat itself,' I replied, biting my tongue as I recalled the past and what had transpired between us. I had to resist the urge to knock him out with my purse. 'No, never again.' Kaiser looked at me with a sour expression, as if he had the right to ever feel sad about what happened between us. He has no right.

"Charlotte, I had no choice... I did it to protect you! That's all I've been trying to do, Charlotte, to keep you safe... please believe me." My face heated up. "PROTECT ME? You embarrassed me in front of the whole assembly, during your own speech to be captain, and you thought it was a good idea to tell everyone that you never loved me, that it was a dare, a game, everything we had to you, for years? That was all to protect me? Is this another one of your sick jokes, Kaiser?" I looked at him with pain in my eyes, but moreover, I was disgusted, appalled, hurt by this man's words and behavior. "Please, Charlotte, don't look at me like that. You don't understand. Please... I can't tell you... please just wait for me a bit longer, just please believe me, it's all for you!"

I clicked my tongue in annoyance, not wanting to hear any of his sorry lies. "Just get over yourself, Kaiser, and I know it was you... who kept stalking me. I mean, you think I wouldn't know. Every time I run into you, I always end up being followed or stalked." Kaiser just looked at me wide-eyed, as if he couldn't believe what was said from my mouth. "W-what? Charlotte, you know I wouldn't do anything that would hurt you, right? I swear, it just must be wrong timing... like everything else." I shook my head in disagreement, but my heart still yearned for this man. After all, I've known him and only him my entire life. "Goodbye," I heard Kaiser calling for me. I didn't even try to acknowledge him as I left. I felt my hand being tugged by him as I walked away. He then grabbed my hand and pulled it. Next, I felt my world twirling, my head felt light, but I quickly snapped out of my trance-like state as my chest collided with his own. Kaiser looked at me with pleading eyes as he begged me to stay and hear him out. His warmth joining with mine... the one thing I missed the most, his large body covering every part of mine... No, I won't allow myself to be played.

"Let go!" Kaiser didn't budge at all, his hands still wrapped around my upper body. I clutched onto my purse and smacked it against his face. "I said let go!" Kaiser let go in an instant as he grabbed onto his cheeks, his face flustered. He spoke up, "I-Im sorry... I don't know what came over me." My eyes narrowed as I looked at him pathetically. Right now, I didn't have the courage to continue whatever this is, so I did the thing I do best: run away from the situation. I grabbed my purse and ran across the street to get to my apartment, but for some reason, I felt like I wasn't alone, a lingering feeling that no stranger was creeping onto me. Learning my lesson from before, I took extra precautions and realized Kaiser was watching me from the other side of the road with his beautiful grey-coloured eyes. He stood on the court, the wind blowing through his wavy hair as his 6-foot frame turned around and went back to playing basketball. The sun felt like a paid actor as its rays hit his black hair with dirty blonde ends. He easily made a three-pointer and swiftly ran a large hand through his hair as he sweated profusely. I looked at my apartment and could've sworn I saw a black shadow in my own room standing beside the window. The shadow disappeared just as fast. Slapping my cheeks to get back to reality, I knew that something was wrong. I entered my apartment, and just as I was about to close the door, I looked around. The walls were a rich white colour, and the floor was a gloomy grey. Everything looked the same as I left it.

The black couches near the kitchen and the master bedroom on the opposite side of the kitchen were connected with the bathroom. The living room had a large window that was covered by a beautiful big grey curtain, but what caught my attention the most were the fresh flowers that sat right on the table in front of the couch. I could tell they were beautiful even with the lights turned off as the room filled with a gloomy grey. My eyebrows twitched at the sight of the flowers, knowing they were definitely not supposed to be here... at least not alive. I took a few cautious steps to stand a bit closer to them, leaving the door wide open. Once I was fully in the room, someone held me by the neck and covered my mouth.

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