Chapter 7

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I struck him hard on the head with the vase. As he stumbled back in agony, he placed a hand on his head, attempting to recover from the blow. My breath was heavy, and my eyes remained fixed on him as he struggled to regain his balance. When the man finally regained his footing, the city lights faintly illuminated the dark room, and he briefly offered me an alluring smile, accentuating his piercing red eyes. His eyes distracted me to the point that I didn't realize he was getting closer to me. When I finally snapped out of it, my eyes darted up and down, and the man wiped the smirk off his face before swiftly zooming past me in a hurry. However, I wasn't bothered enough to pursue him. I mean, why would I?

Managing to finally catch my breath, I said, "Ah Huu, Andrew, I'll get you out of there." My words came out cold, accompanied by a bitter smile that was difficult to maintain due to my obvious circumstances. "Charlotte? Princess, are you okay? Please don't tell me you're hurt! I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... please forgive me," Andrew's voice pleaded desperately as he tried to force the door open, his tears falling. I let out a low, almost crazy laugh. I hated admitting it, but I wasn't in my right mind at that very moment. My strange laughter echoed through the room. "Haha, Andrew, you didn't stutter as much this time. I guess you're actually worried, huh? I'm alright." I held back tears while uttering what was clearly a lie. Just then, a man burst through the broken door. To my surprise and dismay, it was Kaiser De Alter, my ex. Kaiser rushed towards me, his face filled with concern. His arms quickly embraced me, and his broad shoulders enveloped me. I almost felt safe again, with his gentle touch making contact with my unbuttoned shirt. "Who did this to you? Who was it? Was it Andrew?" His normally booming voice seemed to hit rock bottom, filled with pure rage and violent intent. I couldn't hold back any longer, couldn't resist my burning urge to cry. Not when I finally felt safe in his arms. Because of his warm touch, tears rolled down my face uncontrollably.

"Kaiser, oh my God, I was so scared... so scared," my voice shivered, fluctuating from a low to a high tone from time to time. My uncontrollable tears and shattered voice were too much for me to contain, but Kaiser made me feel a little safer. Our moment of peace was easily interrupted by Andrew's persistence in trying to get himself out of the bathroom. The noises were so loud as they echoed through the room, capturing our attention and making us wait with curiosity. We instinctively let go of each other, yet before Kaiser did, he put his hand on my head and patted it as if trying to soothe the pain I had just gone through with his big, rough hand in hopes to make me feel better. The noises finally stopped as Andrew knocked down the door in an enraged voice. "CHARLOTTE? Where is he?" His pale face had a dangerous look in his eyes, with his hair falling near his eyes, drenched in sweat. I ran up to Andrew, trying to calm down his hostility. "ANDREW! Calm down, he wasn't after you, at least I don't think so," but my words only made him more agitated. "I don't give a damn what he wanted. He laid his hands on you, so he will meet his end." His emerald, green eyes grew a faint red for a split second as he ran his veiny hand through his jet-black hair.

Andrew was a completely different person

Andrew finally noticed Kaiser and scoffed loudly, making his spite towards Kaiser obvious, to say the least. "Every time something bad happens, you are always here," Andrew's sharp emerald eyes surveyed Kaiser up and down with a dirty look. He then turned his attention away from Kaiser to me with a blank stare as dead silence crept up on us. "I can't allow you to stay here any longer. I'm taking you back to Mordridge High," his kind of - crisp yet deep tone sounded so demanding, as if he were giving me an order, a voice that could literally kill me slowly, and I would thank him for doing so.

But truth be told, Andrew has a point

She's not going anywhere near you. It's pretty obvious that man has something to do with you," Kaiser's voice, not deeper than Andrew's but much louder, spoke with a hint of aggression. Kaiser was right. Then it dawned on me – what if Andrew hired that man? But the most likely possibility was that they were after Andrew. "I've known Charlotte longer than you, and I'm not going to let her be dragged by you." My name rolled off Kaiser's lips so perfectly, sending unwanted shivers down my spine, but Andrew's voice only added to this ecstasy. "There is more evidence pointing toward you, given your criminal record. I say it's reasonable. Let's go, Charlotte." His voice echoed through my head, and his possessive tone only made me feel obliged to obey him. I nodded slowly as his butlers led me away, but before I left the room, I asked in a worried voice, "What about Kaiser? I'm not leaving without him." Andrew sighed at my words, as if contemplating with such an attractive expression, and he finally gave in, "Um, well, my butlers will deal with that." Andrew's tone was uncertain but also darn adorable. His innocent voice made me feel like I could trust him with Kaiser of all people.

While I stood behind Andrew, slowly following him into his car, I couldn't help but notice how confidently Andrew walked. His strides made it seem as though he had just stepped out of a Wattpad story. I scoffed as I laughed at my thoughts, looking behind us and seeing Kaiser being tossed and dragged around like a ball by Andrew's butlers, while the maids just watched the show with slight grins on their faces, maintaining a ladylike composure. For some reason, the sight of Kaiser's handsome face turning wide-eyed, with his lips parted, made me want to giggle. Andrew stopped his advance to the car and turned to look at me while my attention was still on Kaiser. 'I see he's getting the best treatment from the Von Claudes,' he said slyly, a smile growing on his face as he watched Kaiser being pushed from one place to another. I nodded in agreement, allowing Andrew to take my hand and escort me into the back of his limo. Kaiser was taken into the many black cars that were behind us and up front. Instead of dwelling on Kaiser and what he was going through right now, I sat next to Andrew at the back of the limo and made myself comfortable.

Andrew was far less elegant today. Instead of sitting with perfect posture, he had his back glued to the car seat, his legs spread, one hand resting on the car seat and the other holding his phone. His head was held high, and his loosened buttoned shirt revealed his lazy yet sharp eyes shifting from his phone to me. His intoxicating aroma filled the room. I couldn't help but steal glances at him. This guy was dangerous. Not only could he play the good boy with impeccable posture as he normally did, but he could also transform into the hot bad boy with that look.

After passing enormous buildings with crowded roads filled with people and cars, the bright city lights made me feel as if I were in a movie as we grew closer to the forest with many colours and different shades of green. After what felt like an eternity of sightseeing their vast front 'yard,' which was as big as a school itself, we reached Mordridge High, a school that is no different from a castle. Hopping out of Andrew's limo as gracefully as possible, I aimed to showcase my feminine energy to all the students passing by with judgmental eyes. It felt perfectly serene until we were rudely interrupted by his sycophants, his ardent fans who swarmed around us, attracting even more attention from the rest of the students and congesting the entire school entrance, as if they sought Andrew's blessings. Kaiser quickly disembarked from the car, but he encountered the obvious problem: Andrew's admirers. Nevertheless, Kaiser persevered. His imposing figure and tall stature easily parted the girls, ensuring their well-being. Kaiser didn't even spare a glance for Andrew. Instead, he extended his hand to me and called out with his deep, resonant voice, "Charlotte, let's go. We can leave this to Mr. Pretty Boy." Kaiser groaned as he maneuvererd through the crowd of girls blocking his path, his determined gaze sparking a glint in my own eyes. My hand unconsciously reached out toward Kaiser, but just as I was about to grasp it...


"L-Let's go!" Andrew's deep voice was filled with urgency as he broke into a sweat. His hand now holding mine, he swiftly swept me off my feet before Kaiser could reach me. Andrew carried me with his pale, slightly veiny hand under my skirt, holding my thighs in place next to his waist with the other hand under my shoulder. I felt all eyes on me as he held me with ease in front of everyone, and in doing so, he looked like an actual prince. His emerald eyes looked beautiful as the sun hit them ever so slightly, giving them a magical aura. "A-Andrew, let go! Everyone is watching," I stammered, my face flushing red as I covered it with my hands. The embarrassment was overwhelming, especially with girls looking at me with a mix of envy, hatred, and admiration for Andrew. Andrew held me even closer to him. "S-Sorry in advance, but you look cute when you blush," he said, quickening his pace, his eyes playing with my heartstrings as if they could create music in real life.

All the girls squealed gleefully, as if they were the ones getting carried. Some of the girls even held each other's hands and ran all over the place, their noses bleeding hard. But now, I could see Andrew for how beautiful he really was; no wonder he is called a prince. Andrew used the maids as a distraction, and the maids held the girls as much as they could. Passing by them, with maids falling on the ground left and right as we left them. Standing among all the fallen maids was Melissa, who was at the dead centre of everything with her head held up high. She flips her black, silky hair and clears her throat, saying, 'The name's Melissa Min Monroe. Ah, well, I'm sure you've heard of me.' When Melissa opens her eyes, her cocky expression washes away as she looks at me. "What? My, Andrew, why are you even near silver slut's presence? Ah, did she force you? Don't worry ill save you!" 

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