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The rest of the week went by way too fast. I went to the gym early each morning before work and Travis worked late at the bar every night. We didn't even see each other. By the time he got home, I was already asleep, and I woke up so early, he was still in bed when I left. By Friday morning I was tempted to wake him, but I didn't want to be an asshole. Hey, I know you just got home like three hours ago, but could you roll over and blow me? Thanks. Appreciate it.

Instead I got myself off in the shower to the memories of us, but it wasn't even close to the real thing. I wanted more of the real thing.

In fact, it was a little disturbing how much I wanted more, and how quickly the days were zooming toward the two-week cut-off. Because we weren't even doing anything! What good was letting yourself be gay at home for two weeks if the person
you wanted to be gay with was never there?

By Friday evening, I was frustrated beyond measure. After work, I'd taken a run (even though I'd already worked out that morning), washed my car, vacuumed all the carpets, and taken the rugs outside to beat them. None of it relieved the tension.

I realized I hadn't eaten dinner—my appetite had been strange lately, I was either ravenous or so distracted I forgot to eat—so I showered, shaved, and dressed, then went to The Black Label for dinner. I had to see him.

Travis lit up when he noticed me sitting at a high-top table, and I probably did the same, judging from the way my heart started to pound. God, were we too obvious? I dropped my attention to the menu.

He came by a little while later.

"Hey," he said, sliding onto the chair across from me. "I have a quick break. How's your dinner?"

"Good." I set down my burger. "Maybe not as oishi as your homemade obanyaki , but good."

He laughed, his eyes lighting up. "You remembered."

"Yes, but I haven't had much occasion to use them. The only Japanese I know isn't around much." Fuck, did that sound needy?

"I'm sorry. I've been working so late." He lowered his voice so only I could hear it. "But I've missed you."

He's missed me. He's missed me. I wanted to let it show how much I liked hearing that, but I couldn't. I wanted to say it back, but I couldn't. I took a drink of my beer, set the bottle down, and looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was close enough to overhear. "Wake me tonight. When you get home."

His eyebrows went up. "You're sure?"

Fuck yes, I am. Even sitting across the table from him was driving me nuts. I wanted to reach over, grab a fistful of his shirt, and yank him toward me so I could devour his mouth. "Yeah. I'm sure."

"Hey, you!" Sowob appeared at my table. "Someone said you were here. Twice in one week, I'm honored!"

"Good." I picked up my beer again, tried to play it cool, but my pulse was racing. Had she heard what I said?

She tilted her head. "No Joleen tonight?"

Travis and I exchanged a glance. "Uh, no. Actually, Joleen and I decided we're better as friends."

"Sowon clucked her tongue. "Oh, really? That's too bad. She's really nice."

"She is."

"Well, you'll meet someone else." She perked up. "Hey, want me to introduce you to—"

"No," I said firmly. The dates Sowon set up for me were always disasters. "Do not introduce me to anyone."

She pouted. "You're no fun. You're like a grumpy old man who's all set in his ways and doesn't want to do anything new or different. But you're never going to meet anyone if you keep going to the same places and hanging out with the same people."

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